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Goodness gracious, another one. Sorry for boring y'all with these. I was tagged by @Audrey_Writez (again)

 I was tagged by @Audrey_Writez (again)

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1. Favorite song? I really can't choose. Although I have been very obsessed with Newsies recently. (SHOUTOUT TO uneedajelloshot FOR GETTING ME INTO IT AND DEALING WITH ALL OF MY SPAM)


3. Nope doper

4. Today

5. Carrying the Banner (SO GOOD)

6. Shane, Kickthepj, Crankgameplays, Anthony Rosenthal, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier

7. I'm straight (but whatever your sexuality is that's cool)

8. Um, this changes alot but right now its, "Don't let someone else's success be your failure." (said by Christian Borle

9. I don't watch anime, sorry

10. Smash or Riverdale

11.La La Land, The Greatest Showman, Star Wars, Sound of Music, Singin in the Rain, NEWSIES & FALSETTOS (shut up they're movies)

12. I cant just pick three! Um, Lunar Chronicles, Harry Potter, and Carry On (great great great books)

13. Yep! I have a beagle named Sully

14. uneedajelloshot (ayyyyy)

I'm gonna only tag a few people, but you can do it if I didn't tag you!



Sorry dudes

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