It's alright

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I was sitting in bed waiting for my mother to get here I wanted to tell her something, something I've been wanting to tell her for so long.
I heard the door open "(y/n)???! Im here!!" My mom is here. "Yes mom I'm coming!" I walked into the living room and she was standing there. "I hope you don't mind, he wanted to come too" I looked at him, my brother. She brought my brother, now I have to tell him too. "Okay, that's fine... just come sit." I walked over to the couch and we all sat down. "Mom, Manny, I've been needing to tell you something for a while." They both had a puzzled look. "I'm... I'm lesbian." They both froze. "It's alright." My mom smiled. "I love you no matter what" she tapped Manny. "Oh me too" he stood up and walked to the door. "Can we go now?" He looked at me. And I nodded. My mom have me a huge hug and she left. Now, I tell my dad. I pulled out my laptop and went into skype. "Hey sweetie!!" He smiled like he loved me so much. "Dad, I have to tell you something." His smile went away. "Let me guess you got a boyfriend!!" He laughed. "Oh no wait you got a present for me? So sweet!" I put my hands up "No. Stop let me speak!" His face fell. "Okay sorry." He was silent. "Dad, dad I'm lesbian. I like girls." There was silence. "Haha funny! Where's the camera? Wow you really got me there (y/n)!" I looked at him in the eyes, "Dad, listen to me. I am lesbian." I said in a much more firm tone. His face grew red. "YOU CANNOT BE! YOU HAVE TO LIKE BOYS!" He screamed in anger. "I'm sorry, Dad." He stood up. "No! That doesn't cut it! And for the record! Don't call me Dad!!" The call ended. I sat there and stared at the screen. I cried. I decided to go for a walk.

I went more for a run. Or a sprint. I ran as far as I could go. And I fell down in a spiraling ball of tears. "Hey?" A soft voice came up. I looked around and saw a girl with soft pink hair. "Oh boy! Are you okay?" She got onto her knees and looked at me. "What's wrong?" She had such a soft voice. "I'm." Wait, I can't just tell a stranger what happened. "I'm okay." She took my hand. "You're clearly not. I want to help, but I can't if you don't let me." She smiled. Her smile made me smile. It made me feel something. "Hello?" She was waving at me. "What's your name?" She kept smiling softly. "(Y/n)" I said stumbling. She picked me up. "I'm Amy, nice to meet you" she shook my hand. "Can I help in any way?" She let go of my hand. "Uhhm. A ride." She looked around. "Well I walked here too." I looked down. "Okay... we can walk together. Somewhere." I looked at her beautiful eyes, shining in the light that was slowly fading. "Okay. Where?" She said. I looked. "Maybe we can just go home?" I suggested. "But that's lame" she said playfully. I could feel my cheeks get hot. "So where to then?" I said sarcastically. "Maybe we can go to my place? Have a drink?" She smiled. "I don't drink." I said. "No not alcohol. Like water or juice" I laughed. "Oh... okay" She lead the way. "Amy?" We were almost to her house. "Yeah?" She looked at me so firmly. "I really like your hair" she smiled. "Thanks.... I like your hair too" she turned back around and kept walking. "Amy?" She stopped. "Yyyeass????" She giggled. "So your house-" she cut me off. "Don't worry I live alone." She smirked. I could feel my stomach flutter. "O- okay." I smiled and we kept walking. "Okay we're here!!" She lead me inside. It wasn't such a huge house, it isn't much bigger than mine. "Okay make yourself at home, I'll be back with some juice, Apple? Or peach?" She went into the kitchen. "Peach, I've never tried it before." She gasped. "W- WHAT?! PEACH JUICE IS AMAZINNGGG!!" She laughed and I did too. "Okay I'll try it." I smirked at her. She walked out of the kitchen and brought back the drinks. "Thanks" I said. "You're welcome" she sat down next to me, quite close I would say. "So what do you wanna watch?" She was looking through movies she had. "Okay pick between: Transformers, Kujo, or Twilight?" I cringed. "That's it?!" I went up to the shelf of movies. "OOOH THIS ONE!" She pulled out the movie Tinker Bell........ "what?" I laughed a little. "Yeah go sit down we are watching this!" I groaned a little and went to sit down. "Okay, okay, shhhh" she sat back next to me, closer than last time. She also got a blanket and put it over both of us. She smiled at me and looked back at the movie. "Amy?" I said. "Yes?" She was still looking at the t.v. "Never mind." She looked at me. "You cannot just bring something up and not tell me. Now you HAVE to tell me." She looked pissed. "Okay yeash!!" I put my hands up. "So," I began. "What's your sexual preference??" She giggled. "Pffffttt I'm bisexual!" She playfully punched my arm. I could feel my cheeks grow red. "Okay." I looked back at the tv. "Why?" She asked. "Oh nothing I was just wondering......" I didn't make eye contact with her. "What's yours???" She scooted closer to me. "I'm lesbian...." she smirked. She slowly got closer to me. I stood up. "I have to use the restroom." She stood up and showed me where it was. "Thanks."
After I used the restroom I walked out and Amy didn't make another move.

<A few hours later>

The movie ended. "Amy, I should get home..." she frowned. "You can stay." She insisted. "Uhh I'm not so sure..." I didn't know what to do. "Why not we can have a sleepover!" She got exited. "Well, that does sound fu-" "GREAT!! I'LL GO GET PILLOWS AND BLANKETS!!" She hopped off the couch and came back with a shit ton of blankets and pillows. "Okay here these ones are for you and these ones are for me!!" She threw them at me, she was so exited. "Oh, jee thanks" she laughed and I did too. "Well, goodnight, Amy" I pulled the blanket over me. "Goodnight, (y/n)" she turned the tv off and I slowly fell asleep.

It had to be her  | Amy Nelson*Female Reader | (NOT COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now