Where is she now?

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   "Why is she crying again? Do you not know how to handle a baby you idiot?"
   "I'm trying. I'm not exactly educated on children." Marcus hissed back. "Why don't you try since you're the one who wanted it?"
   Marcus felt his head snapped back from an invisible force. He shot his head back up and sneered at the woman who he had once followed so vigilantly. Now he didn't know why he was  even still here. Though he knew if he left poor Grace would fall to some unknown terror from being taken care of by HER.
   Grace began crying again. She wiggled and squirmed in his arms as he tried to comfort the small infant.
   "I'm leaving for a while, my head is throbbing from this noise."
   Then Marcus was finally alone with Grace and suddenly she was calmer. The rednees in her face from screaming vanished and her breathing slowed.
   "You don't like her much either I see. She's very powerful though and we must obey her. If we step out of line she may hurt us both." He whispered to the baby.
   Grace yawned widely and snuggled into his chest. Marcus knew he had to listen to the witch but in his heart he also knew that if she ever tried to hurt this baby he would put himself on the line to save her.
   It was only moments later that Grace was snoring softly against him. She hadn't napped more than a few minutes since they'd taken her. She had to of been exhausted, but she could since the evil around her in this place. But that rose the question as to why she was so comfortable with him. Was he the lesser evil here? Or maybe he truly wasn't evil at all...

For Who the Heart BeatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz