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    The Hanging Tree is the main essence of life for the foxes, along with many other creatures. For it holds their power– their stamina. However, the being itself controls how it uses

it's blessings.
    "A fox who misuses their blessings is dangerous—for beware the fox who's pelt is darkest of night, and bears a silver tint," — Shama, the commander of the Hanging Tree.
   Zodiak's silvery-black pelt bristled as he watched a white-furred fox walk along the permanently blood-splattered pathway among the caves, his piercing orange eyes narrowed.
    "What have you brought me today, Rak?" he asked, his voice edged with boredom. This old fox had recently been bringing him nothing but scraps; and his other subjects were scouting. Another scrap, and he might just have to... well, rid of the old flea-bag.
    Rak stumbled up to the larger, younger fox, his eyes gleaming with fear. "I-I brought you something good, Sire! I promise of it,"
    Zodiak's brow raised, and his ear twitched in amusement as he waited for Rak to show him his find. His eyes lit up as he pulled a fox's pelt from behind, but a low growl rose from his throat.
    "How dare you bring a Tree fox's pelt into my caves? Where did you find them?" he snarled, jumping to his feet.
     He backed away, startled. "T-the scouts found them, trespassing. Sire, the Tree fox's seem to be... plotting an attack, if I must point out. There has been signs of loose foxes along our borders..." he lied, although he hoped Zodiak didn't notice his nervousness.
    Zodiak's fur lied flat again, and he settled back down. "Plotting? They barely even know I exist as a threat," he hesitated, studying the old wolf's eyes. A cold stare grew across his face. "Liar,"
      The older fox's eyes widened, his ragged pelt bristling. "No–" Rak screeched as Zodiak's teeth clamped around his neck, and he suddenly collapsed to the ground, blood splattering across the cave wall. He watched as Rak's body convulsed a few times, then lied still.
        "He needed to be taken care of anyways.." he muttered, tail flicking. I have been an outcast for too long. It is finally time for me to take my rightful place, and I will kill anyone who decides to overthrow me.

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