"Enoki! Slow down!"
  The fluffy, sleek furred, young souled fox chuckled quietly. "You'll have to catch me first!"
  Denti's white fur bristled. "Why did you have to be born with such speed?" she huffed, slowing to a trot.
  "More like energy, Denti," Enoki's mother said, amusement edging her voice. The vixen's silver-gray pelt was brushed by the gust of wind blowing in a current along their tree-scattered meadow, and her eyes gleamed.
  Enoki skidded to a sudden halt, her brush quivering for a moment. "Mum? What's that noise?" she asked, her ears twitching at the growing hissing. All three of them sat quietly, their eyes glinting with nervousness. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of a large group of foxes heading towards them. No—heading towards the Hanging Tree.
  "Enoki! Get away from-" she was interrupted by Enoki's words.
  "They're heading towards the Hanging Tree! We must warn Shama," Enoki fretted, turning towards her mother for a moment. "If there is a threat we can't sit here," she said, then turned and began running towards the tree, not looking back to see if they followed her.

  Enoki entered the hollow at the base of the tree that Shama took shelter in along with her most trusted Commanders, their tails lashing.
  "Enoki?" she asked, sensing the nervousness among her pelt.
  She glanced around to see if Denti and her mother had followed her— but they hadn't. Maybe this is something I have to do myself..
  "There is a group of foxes," Enoki breathed, her teal-speckled brush twitching. Her nose twitched, and she felt a surge of energy seep through her bones. "They seem to be heading towards the tree,"
  Shama's ear twitched, her fur tingling. "Did you get a good look at their features? Were they close enough to see?"
  "Barely. There was a larger fox who seemed to be pitch black and gray," Enoki replied, her eyes gleaming.
  Shama glanced towards Pine, a brown-furred bob-cat, her most trusted comrade. Her eyes shown something— however Enoki couldn't identify what. At that second Shama nodded, and looked back at Enoki.
   "Don't pass the border. Pine will get a few others to investigate," Shama said at last, her tail flicking.
    Enoki's eyes narrowed. "That's all your going to do? They seemed to be moving quickly, Shama!"
     "This is none of your business, Enoki! We will deal with them," Enoki knew Shama was hiding something, but she didn't know what. She let out a sigh, but only nodded and exited the hollow.
      Enoki's pelt bristled as the mid-day sun basked her silvery-black pelt. The familiar scent of flowers and fresh air clung to their home, and she felt as if nothing could ruin this. The peace that had been contained for so long.
       Oh, darling. You are mistaken.
       Her ears perked up, and her eyes glanced around. "Who said that?"
       No reply. Enoki shivered, feeling unsure about the safety of their home. She began trotting off back towards her den, assuming her mother and Denti were there, waiting for her to come back from visiting Shama.
        But when she entered the den, she saw nothing. Maybe they're at the sunning ledge? Enoki exited their den, looking around for a moment. Everything seemed normal– the fox cubs wrestling in the tall grass, over watched by their parents, and just other creatures sharing conversations. But still no sign of Denti, nor her mother.
   Enoki sighed, and she began towards the sunning ledge once again, hoping her mother and her friend would be there.

   She looked around as she reached the top of the hill, and the reek of blood hit her senses. Enoki became alarmed, and she froze in her tracks as she made the rise of the hill, her heart seemed to skip a beat.
   In a pool of crimson blood, lied her mother and Denti, dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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