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BACKSTORY: In a recent fight (Asgore and Undyne VS Death) One of Asgore's horns and part of his beard were cut off by Death's scythe

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BACKSTORY: In a recent fight (Asgore and Undyne VS Death) One of Asgore's horns and part of his beard were cut off by Death's scythe. Since Asgore is a god and the King of the gods, Both contained powerful magic, thus producing a new god, or rather a goddess. _________ the goddess of weather ('cause Asgore is god of the sky). When in a good mood the sun shines, a warm, gentle rain, or a light snow which is just cold enough to allow you to skate on the ice are enjoyed, when slightly upset you can expect a cloudy day or a cold hard rain, but true misery occurs when she is upset to the extreme. Severe storms and Natural disasters are eminent, and depending on how happy she is, rainbows and double rainbows happen! If you pray to her asking for a certain type of weather, she will do her best to fulfill your needs, however since she has not existed long, not many pray to her.

Abilities: As a young goddess the limits of her power aren't yet known, but there are powers that are known such as...Control of Weather

Weather Related Abilities
Floating (not flying though)
Summon Weather Related Weapons
Control of Temperature
Temperature Immunity

Extremely Susceptible to all Forms of Attacks
Unaware of Power and Power Limits
Strong Emotional Attachment with all Mortals, even those she Doesn't Know Personally

Name: Up for debate. Iris (means Colors of the Rainbow) is the only name I've found so far, but I am open to suggestion!


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