Chapter 2:His Wish...

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"isn't it my soul..."he said and i looked at him tears in my eyes"yes it's your soul...but..."i said and looked down"i want to protect you...i want you to go to heaven if there is a heaven when you pass away...i will hate myself if i have to keep you here"i said and cried and he smirked"what if i don't want to go to heaven when i die...and you said yourself...there might not even be one"he said"what can you do here..that heaven can't"i said and he smiled"i can't be with you"he said and i was shocked"but heaven is better..."i said"how would you know?have you been there?"he said"no..but"i said"then how do you know it's better...better yet how do you know it exists...i'm not sacrilegious but...there is a chance it was all made up to give people peace on dying or death..."he said and i blushed"my heaven is being with you..."he said"and that's something that i know can happen...with one wish of course"he said and i looked at him and he yawned"i'm a wee bit tired so i'm gonna take a wee bit of a napskies but when i wake up we will talk more about this"he said and he went in his room and i blushed...i went in his room and he looked at me"c-can i lay next to you?"i said shyly and he smiled and he nodded his head and i looked at his pretty eyes and i fell asleep...when i woke up Damon hold me close he was naked so i turned red...d-did we....he smiled"if you let me make my wish we can lay like this one can judge one will can be with me for eternity"he said and i smiled...but then i really woke up and he was still sleep fully clothe and i sighed...when he woke up he looked at me"are you gonna let me?"he said and i looked down"like you's your soul"i said and he smiled"so i tell you my wish and poof it happens or what?"he said"you make your wish and you kiss me...on the cheek,neck or lips...and then i brand my sign on you where ever you please and you get your wish and your soul is mine"i said and tears slipped again and he came close"i wish..."he said and he looked at me"to be with you for eternity even in death my soul will i never died in the first can see,touch,hear and feel me when i'm a ghost"he said and i looked at him and he lifted my chin and kissed my lips and a tear slipped  its way out and fell to the ground from my eyes....and the wind blew around us"where you want my sign?"i said and he pointed to his chest where his heart is andi tooked off his shirt and he looked at me and i put my hand on his chest and i branded him he screamed in pain"ahh"he said holding his chest and he moved his hand and it was there and he looked at me and he past out and fell to the ground...this always happens to them they faint and i picked him up and laid him in bed and i put the blanket over him and i cried...this isn't what i wanted for him....but he did say he will trade his soul for just this kind of love wouldn't ever stop even in death he will be with me....but it's not the wish that bugs the fact his soul will never rest fully......

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