The Missing Arrow

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You and your sister glared at Ultron.
"It's been a while Shadows, hasn't it." he asked with a small smirk.
"Too long." Bri said. You reached behind your back and grabbed an arrow.
"I dont think so (Y/N)." one of his robots attacked you and broke your arrow.
"God damn it!" you yelled in frustration.
"I know both of your moves. So i know your attack before you even think about it" the robot said getting close to your face. More robots tackled Bri and pinned her to the ground.
"There's no one to save you now (Y/N). No Avengers, no weapons, no hope." he got on his knee and lifted your chin. "To be honest, im not really surprised. Your parents were pathetic heros."
"Wait what?!" you looked at him surprised.
"Shut up Ultron. You dont know what your talking about you stupid robot!" Bri yelled. Ultron was about to  argue until a repulser beam was shot in between your sister and Bri.
"Shit! Leave the older one!" Ultron ordered his robots. They pushed Bri away but Ultron grabbed your arm tightly and he flew up in the air.
Back on the ground, The Avengers finally show up. But it was only Bri left who had her hand on her throat and was coughing.
"Bri!" Cap ran up to her and got on his knees, "are you okay?"
"Yeah *cough* just got held my neck for a while." she answered rubbing her neck.
"Jarvis?" Iron Man's face plate flipped up and showed Tony's face.
"Yes sir?" the voice echoed through out the tower.
"Oh, so now you work?" Bri growled.
"Who broke into the tower Jarvis?" Hawkeye asked the tower.
"Aw, did you already forget about me?" a different robotic voice answered. Bri noticed Thor gripped his hammer.
"Tony, how is he alive? I thought we destroyed him." Black Widow asked.
"Oh im not here. I left the tower. And i took one of your allies with me."
"He has (Y/N)" Bri gripped her katana.
"She's alive. Well...barely."
"YOU LET MY SISTER GO!" Bri screamed. Then a clone of Ultron walked in front of the Avengers. Cap and Scarlet Witch held Bri back.
"This is just a clone. Im far from the tower. And (Y/N) is right here." there was a pause but then they could hear him dragging you.

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