Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi everyone! Just thought you should know that this is in Beck's P.O.V.  Also this chapter was inspired by 'Grenade' by Bruno Mars.

I feel like a part of me is missing- my other half. Jade is my other half. We go together like dark and light- contrasting, yet incapable of existing without the other. Now I'm just a dog without its bark. A pair of scissors without its handles. A guy without his whole world. She threw it all way. Our relationship was tossed to the kerb like a gum wrapper, disregarded and unwanted. All because of a girl flirting with me. How could Jade end what we had over something as stupid as that?

I was at Karaoke Dokie with Jade, who was singing on stage, when she came in.

"Hey there handsome" Purred a brunette girl in a black, strapless mini-dress and black high heels, a flirtatious expression on her face.

"Hey..." I replied.

"What brings you here tonight cutie?" She enquired as she edged closer to me.

"Um, the music?"

"Well... I think it was fate..."

She takes a seat next to me.

Now she's complimenting me on my looks, my hair and before I know it, she's inching closer and closer until... her lips are locked on to mine.

Suddenly, Jade stops singing and I tear away from the kiss.

The look on her face is something I'll never forget. It was a mixture of devastation and rage. Her knuckles were clenched, becoming as white as ice. Though what got me the most, were the tears glistening in her eyes.

Dropping the microphone, Jade ran off of the stage and out of Karaoke Dokie.

Ignoring the protests of the brunette, I dash off after her.

"Jade!" I yell.

She comes to a halt and turns to face me, furiously wiping away tears. "What, Beck?!"

"Listen, I'm sorry! It got out of hand."

"More than a little out of hand!" She snaps as she rolls he eyes. "You kissed her!"

"No, you've got it all wrong, she kissed me!"

"You could've at least told her you had a girlfriend!"

"Babe, it didn't mean anything, you don't need to get so jealous."

"I think I'm being rightfully jealous! How many times has this happened before? How many times have you left out the detail that you have a girlfriend when someone flirts with you? How many? Tell me Beck, HOW MANY?"

"...Jade I-"

"Save it, Beck! I refuse to put up with this any longer!" My breath hitched as I prayed the words I was dreading to hear didn't come out of her mouth. "We're over!"

I felt like I'd taken a bowling ball to the gut, like all the wind had been knocked out of me. Her words haunted me.

We're over.

They repeated themselves again and again in my mind like a broken record. Desperate to fix this, I call after her, "Jade wait! Let's talk about this!"

"I think the girl you just swapped spit with is still inside. Go talk with her!

It's not like it's my fault she kissed me!

... it is my fault.

It wasn't Jade's fault for being possessive, it's mine for being such an idiot. It wasn't the brunette girl's fault for the kiss, it's mine because I never prevented it. Jade's right: when girls flirt with me, I never mention I have a girlfriend.

Had a girlfriend.

'How can Jade end this?' is not the question I should be asking myself. It's 'How could I have let this happen?' What have I done? I've been such a jerk, and Jade doesn't deserve that.

I snatch my car keys from on top of my shelf and hurry out of my RV. I have to find Jade.


Jade's not at her house, she's not at school, not at Cat's. It's now been at least three hours since I began looking for her; I've searched just about every conceivable place... except one. The pub.

Things weren't always easy for Jade. Suffering constant abuse from her parents sent her into a state of depression. The only way she dealt with this pain was by drinking. I first found out about this not long after we'd first started dating, so I obviously acted quickly. Thankfully, she stopped. Why bar attenders ever allowed her to drink at her age, I'll never know. Now, I'm worried that after what happened at Karaoke Dokie, she'll result to drinking her problems away again.

Driving up to the pub, I spot her. She's by the entrance, seeming to be contemplating whether to go in or not. Quickly, I park my car and leap out.

As I'm running to Jade, I can hear drunken slurs, but they're not hers. There's a man not that far away from where Jade is standing, he's definitely been drinking. He's shaking violently and tumbling about all over the place and is engaged in a fight with another drunken man. He pulls a gun out. He attempts to aim at the other man. But he's trembling so much. He misses. His aim is way off, and so the gun is aimed towards...


I dive in front of her.

The gun-shot rings put like a banshee's wail. An overwhelming sense of agony engulfs my senses.

For a moment, everything's all a blur. My vision is hazy and I can hear a faint voice. Jade. She's crouching down beside me.

"BECK!" I hear her scream. "BECK! Beck! Don't worry! I'll call an ambulance!"

I reach for her hand, "No, babe, it's too late." I've noticed the pool of blood beside my head.

"No! NO! IT'S NOT TOO LATE!" She yells as she begins to cry.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay." I comfort as I reach to stroke her hair. Her mesmerising, dark hair. "Jade... I'm sorry about-"

"Shhhhhhh, it doesn't matter Beck." She says as a fresh wave of tears emerge.

"Don't cry, babe. I hate seeing you like this."

"Beck! Don't leave me! Please!"

"I'll never leave you Jade."

She leans down to kiss me. Her tears cascading from her cheeks onto mine.

The pain increases. I know my time is running out.

"Jade, I love y..."


A/N: Originally this was only meant to be a one-shot, but in a review on the deleted version of this fic someone said something about wanting another chapter/asking if there would be one. Thus, I decided I decided to turn this into a multi-chap fic. I cannot remember who the review was from, but whoever it was, thank you!

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