Chapter numero uno

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What is life?

Worthless? Something to be thankful for? unreasonable expectations?

You spend 12 years of your life going to school, plus the other 2-9+ more years of university/college. Why? So you can grow up and get a job where you wake up to go to your job got to sleep and repeat. Robots, we are Robots.

Ever felt like the World was completely useless. Why am I here? To be another one of those unremembered humans, even if I was remembered when everyone dies there would be no one to remember me.


I hate my parents.


no, i don't have some stupid excuse as to why.

yes, they gave birth to me, and so what? It's not like I asked my mother to push me out of her vagina.


Reasons I hate my parents:

1.)They act as if I'm worthless, always finding one way or another to degrade me and make me feel worthless.

2.) They choose to be unaware of their surroundings, me crying or self-harming is something they don't want to deal with.

3.) if I do something its wrong, if they do the exact same thing its ok.

4.) believe me or don't, believe me, I don't really care, they hit me, and punch me and attempted sexual abuse on me. (maybe I'll go into detail in another chapter.)

5.) they haven't had sex in over 10 years, they don't even act like a real couple, they legit sleep in different beds, they set bad examples of what a family should look like.

Honestly I hate them, they choose to be ignorant of me being abnormally sad all the time, for example, I used to have 80's and 90 grades and now I have 60's ; instead of maybe wondering why the sudden drop in motivation they decide that it's me, I just choose to be stupid, that I don't care about my future.


Sometimes I worry about my life, I feel like I'm going to end up in jail in the future. I'm developing anger issues, and the people I look up to in movies are the ones will sell out their mother to men. I find them very independent, powerful, and motivational.

oh ya, I forgot a reason for why I hate my parents.

6.) they always accuse each other of cheating, maybe my dad is cheating I don't know.


Ok let's talk about number 3 about why I hate my parents... so I'm a teenage girl, I have hormones and once I was caught watching porn and masturbating, all hell broke loose at that moment; apparently, it was immoral. Would you rather have me, fuc*ing guys?

Around a month later I went on my dad's old phone and guess what....32 fucking counts of a porn site being opened, so its wrong for me to, but ok for you? after calling me "Immoral." When I did confront it he denied everything.


That's all for my life, maybe next time I'll share more ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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