First Day Finished

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When I got home from my first day of school, my sister asked me how it went. "Oh, it was great. I think I made a friend. His name is Jonathan. He is really cool, sweet, nice, and funny." "Oh. Your new friend is a HE?" "Yeah. So what?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Is he cuuuute?" Mollie (sister) asked. "I don't know yet. I mean, he's attractive, but we just met." "Mhmmm." She said, clearly not believing me. "Shut up!" I said slapping her shoulder lightly. "Well, I am just glad you made a friend," Mollie said to me. "Thanks sis," I said.

I walked upstairs to my room and changed into some sweats and an oversized shirt. I then grabbed my Walkman and lay on my bed listening to my music. I started to think about Jonathan and how sweet he is. I pictured him in my head and started smiling widely. He really is cute but I bet he will only think of me as a friend. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

My sister yelled upstairs to me and tells me it's time for dinner. I walk out of my room and slide down the railing. I used to do that in Mississippi because we had a huge railing. I reached the bottom and hopped off. I smell spaghetti carbonara. My favorite. Mollie is a great cook. My dad taught her when she was younger and she has been cooking ever since. That's why we moved here. She got a really good paying job as a chef.

"Hey Alex. Ready to eat?" "Yup. I'm starved." I said as she handed me a plate. I grabbed a fork and put the spaghetti on my plate. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down at the counter. Mollie joined me. As we were eating, we talked about our day and what we want to accomplish tomorrow. Then we each asked each other one of the dumbest questions we could come up with. This is a tradition that we have done every dinner since mom and dad passed away.

Once we finished our meal, we watched a few episodes of a show, since I didn't have homework, then got ready for bed. It was about 11:30 once I said good night to Mollie and got in bed. Charlie slept on the end and kept me company.  I set the alarm on my clock for school and went to bed. I was really looking forward to seeing Jonathan tomorrow and thought about him until I fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry this chapter doesn't have a lot of Jonathan in it. It was kinda just a filler. The next one will be better. I hope you enjoyed. 🙂

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