Gabriel X Winchester!Reader- Consequences of Attempting to Scare (Y/N)

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Shaking your head, you laughed at Gabriel's joke once again. It had been awhile since you were this carefree and happy, you couldn't even remember living like this. You have a home, your two brothers, your friends, and your goofball of a boyfriend walking beside you. His cherry lollipop was in his mouth along with other sweets he could shove into his mouth. Covering you mouth, you snorted when a Jolly Rancher escaped his mouth and fell onto the floor. He looked down in horror at the wasted candy, sinking down to his knees.

"Tis a crime to waste such a perfect candy!" Gabriel shouted in horror, gesturing to the Jolly Rancher on the concrete. "If you shan't give me sweets, give me death!"

"Quit being a drama queen, Gabe," you rolled your eyes, grasping the shoulder of his jacket and pulling the fabric. "We have to get back before the Halloween marathon begins!"

"Thou hast a heart of stone," Gabe huffed, snapping his fingers and teleporting the two of you back in the Bunker.

"Yeah, yeah, will you quit it with the Shakespeare if I give you more candy?" you asked, walking towards your bedroom. "I'll let you have some candy from my stash."

"Comin', Sugar!" he shouted, scrambling off of the ground and by your side.

Chuckling, you walked down the hall until you saw Dean jump in front of you with a hockey mask on. He removed the mask with a frown on his face, making you smirk.

"I thought that would work," Dean muttered, looking at the mask.

"It takes a lot more than a hockey mask to scare me, De," you rolled your eyes, walking past him. "You're lucky I wasn't close enough to punch you."

"Ooooo burn!" Gabe shouted, laughing as he past Dean.

"I don't even know what (Y/N) sees in that asshole," Dean muttered, walking down the hall.

Walking into your room, you shrugged off your leather jacket and threw it on the loveseat Gabe smuggled in for you. Quickly untying your boots, you tossed them near the leather jacket, sighing when your back relaxed as soon as you laid on your bed. Gabe walked into your room, immediately heading over to where you kept your hidden stash of candy.

"I'm glad to see where your priorities are," you sassed, lazily reaching over for the remote and turning on the T.V. on your dresser.

Gabe rolled his eyes and flopped down on the bed next to you, putting a Jolly Rancher in his mouth, "Who is the drama queen now?"

"You still are," you responded, smirking as you stole a piece of candy from Gabe's hand. "Face it, Babe, you're more dramatic than me."

He rolled his eyes, a smile growing on his face, "Agree to disagree."

You laughed and searched through the channels, leaning on his chest while getting comfortable. After a minute or two you finally found the channel with the Halloween marathon.

"I guess we're watching Michael Myers kill people," you shrugged, grabbing the bag of marshmallows and stuffing a hand in it. "How long do you think it'll take for me to lose my appetite?"

"You won't," Gabe responded, watching the screen. "I don't think you've ever-"

Your closet door slammed open, interrupting Gabe. Looking over to the closet, you gave an unimpressed look to your brother. Rolling your eyes, you returned your attention to the television.

"I thought that was going to work," Sam muttered, heading for the door. "Dean was the one who put me up to this, just to let you know."

"I'll deal with him later," you mumbled, too tired to get angered at the stupidity of the characters on the screen. "You'll help me with that, right?"

Gabe chuckled, "It'll be my pleasure to mess with those Knuckleheads."


"How did we get here?" Dean asked Sam, surveying the area. "Do you remember anything?"

"I have no idea, Dean," Sam replied, looking at the silent neighborhood. "This doesn't seem right."

"No shit Sherlock," Dean muttered, yanking his gun from where he had hid it, checking the cartridge before loading it. "What the hell is that?"

Sam turned his head, eyes widening when he saw the clown walking out from one of the houses, "Great, just great."

"We need to get out of here, now," Dean said, running over to take cover behind the nearest house. "This has Gabriel written all over it."


"He friggin' zapped us in Killer Klowns from Outer Space!" Dean replied, peeking through the bushes on the side of the house. "I don't want to be zapped into a cotton candy cocoon and sucked dry with a silly straw!"

"How do we kill these things?" Sam asked, backing away from the edge of the house.

"Shoot them in the nose," Dean replied, looking around, "and conserve ammo, we don't know if we can get more ammo or how long we'll be here."

"Next time, we're leaving (Y/N) alone." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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