I cant?

6 0 0

Every one was teasing me about the mystery person I didn't want to go home Daniel would be there I couldn't to a video shoot god I forgot but I can apologise on social media

I got in my car and took a deep breath and  went back to Daniels house he was at the mail box he pulled out my check from YouTube I zoomed into the drive way he tried to hide it "WHAT THE FUCK DANIEL GIVE ME MY CHECK!" I said he annoys ,e so god damn  much ughhhhhhh

"What check" he said "oh my fucking god" that check over there in your hands "go work over time if you need money where not married we don't share money you don't need to buy me fucking anything give it the fuck here!"

"Calm down" he passed the check to me fucking annoying cunt!

    I went and sat on the couch god knows where and what  he was doing  I decide to text thingy

                                                                                                 Hello its birthday girl her who r u?
Logan Paul YouTube star!
                                                          I can tell you had that ummmmmmm camera 🎥.........
Wow didn't think you would actually text me!
                                                                 Gtg my controlling boyfriends yelling my name
Who r u first
                                                                   Hm,m tell u ltr.  🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

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