Dear Lana Hink, Entry 1

19 0 3

November 25th. 1AM

Hello, self! I feel like today won't be any better than any other day, but it won't hurt to believe it will be better. I want to get a shower when I wake up, if I even fall asleep, so that's cool. I'm thinking maybe 6 or 7AM. Who knows. Uhm, I go back to school from Thanksgiving Break on Monday. There's no doubt my mom will be badmouthing me to my college-student sister while I'm there.. Actually, I just remembered my sister is going back to college tomorrow, nevermind. Anyway, I've been really obsessed with this musical called Dear Evan Hansen lately, but I feel like no one cares if I like it.. I heard ny mom talking behind my back earlier begore dinner saying how it "has to be some new gay shit like Black Butler" and how no one should get me any of the merchandise for it for me on Christmas.. and the worst part, I've looked for comfort from a 'certain someone' through PM and they simply patted my back, said nothing, and just continued the role-play while I cried.. Now, I wanted to get on them about not helping me properly, but I'm.. honestly scared to talk back to them in fear of driving them away.. so, I just dealt with it by myself.. anyway, I have to go now. I'm getting a bit tired, and I don't want to pass out with my phone on..


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