Chapter Five: Hushed

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"Because of the thorns
A beautiful rose can bloom
Dark red flowers, it means I love you
Even if I bleed everywhere, I wanna know you
Cause I think about you errday
I'm already addicted to you" - MONSTA X- Beautiful, 2017

When Jimin heads back to the company studio long after everyone has left, he tries his best not to make it too obvious that he was there.

He made it a mission to not bump into anyone as he got to the soundproof walls of the dance studio.

He heard music coming from one of the studios and assumed it might be Yoongi, Hoseok, or Namjoon composing or relistening some songs from the album to make sure that it was from the new album... Or maybe it was Hoseok getting ready to release his mixtape, finally.

The thought of Yoongi's staying up and listening to music this late at night, but he did this when he was feeling something, whether it was bad or not, he pulled all-nighters like this.

They were both falling back into old habits...

They were already falling apart...


Yoongi's P.O.V.

I stayed back in the studio tonight with the excuse that I just wanted to relisten to the songs on the album to make sure they were absolutely perfect, although I knew they already were.

I just wanted to get out of meeting Jimin in the hallways or something while we were leaving. He usually wasn't that far away even after last night.

But last night, Jimin had left me and I had gone out to drink... I made myself a bit more concealed because I didn't want my one seeing Min Yoongi of BTS at a bar and drowning his sorrows in alcohol. That would've sent out a terrible message to fans and would've been bad publicity for our company which is small and doesn't need bad publicity when they have good groups to their name, BTS might disband because of one terrible decision, so he was lucky that Namjoon and Hoseok had found him before he had gotten too far deep and done something he might regret.

I really needed an excuse to just go by myself and to just be by myself in my safe space. No one is allowed to interrupt or interact me while the rap line is in their safe spaces unless there is specific permission given, in which here, it was not,and for once I was actually thankful for that being here, because I could get the slight alone time I needed without anyone thinking I was doing something terrible.

I lean in my seat and reach for my drink bag, I pull out a bottle of something that I probably mistook for water when I went out last night, but hey, that's not really my fault, now is it?

Or maybe it is.

You probably fucked something up again to get Jimin to leave you, and it figures.

You even mistook alcohol for water, that just shows how desperate you are to run away from your problems.

I glare down at the bottle before popping the cap with brute force and gulping down a few fiery gulps that burned my throat.

I smile at the drink. I know I can barely handle more than maybe a quarter of the bottle, but I could force myself to handle more than that. I would assert dominance over my body by telling it I'll decide when the fuck he's had enough.

I took another few gulps before slamming down the bottle and nearly getting some all over my desk.

"Damn it!"

I take off my headphones and rub my temples trying to sort out my thought for the next moment.

I hear booming music from one of the practice rooms, but I think nothing about it and think that it's probably one of the trainees or maybe it's a member of that new boy group Bighit is thinking of making, Six Aces I believe they're called?

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