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If you don't have, then make one. You can find printable study timetable on google or DIY.
@emmastudies has a study timetable. Check her tumblr page.

Here are steps to make one that's more detail and more effective.

1. List out compulsory daily activities and note down periods for study in between them.

2. Create a seperate more detailed timetable, so you'll have two timetables.

3. In the second timetable, break down into smaller chunks of time, i.e. 10, 20 or 30 minutes.

4. Decide what time to study it; then fill up your timetable.

5. Practice 30 min peruods of study with 10 min breaks in between. This is because your brain could only focus for the first 30 minutes. So take a break for 5-10 minutes then continue studying for another 30 minutes.

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