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(A/N) I do not on Teen Wolf or Dylan Sprayberry.


Adopted!! What do they mean adopted? They're my parents right? Wrong. My daddy just told me that I'm adopted and who I thought were my godparents were my actual parents, So looks like I'm not an only child anymore. How in the world am I gonna explain this to my friends?

Why did they do this now. After all these years, now they wanna get to know me.

"Your serious? Does this mean i have to move? Please tell me i don't have to leave. Daddy please," I say begging, while tears are streaming down my face, "I can't leave my friends behind. I just.......Can't."

"Baby girl i'm so sorry but they want you to go live with them," He says with a sad look in his eyes, "No matter what you will always be my baby girl." Now he's crying too.

"I don't want to leave!" I practically scream, "Why do they want me all of a sudden?" I ask him in desperation.

"I know but you have too, I wish you didn't. You'll be back for your senior year though so it won't be as bad. Just stay out of trouble and keep your grades up." he says while wiping the tears from both of our faces.

"I promise not to get into too much trouble and to do my best. I love you daddy, and you will always be my daddy no matter what, just like momma is always gonna be my momma." I say the last part with such conviction and honesty.

I give him a hug and turn to my grandmother who has been silently crying this entire time and give her a hug.

"I love you nanny, You be good for everybody Okay." I tell her,she nods and gives me a watery smile. " I love you too baby girl." she says while wiping tears off her face.

Oh crap i just realised i'm about to miss the bus, I say good bye and run out the door. Once I get on the bus I'm silent the whole ride to the high school. I'm planning on telling my entire homeroom this morning and then the rest of my friends through the rest of the day.

The bell rings indicating that it's time to go to homeroom. Well here goes nothing, "Coach Taylor, i have an announcement to make can you get there attention please?" I ask him in my nicest tone.

"What's the announcement? He asks. "I'm about to tell everyone." i say

(A/N) I'm sorry its so sad right now but it will get happier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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