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???: hey Mills

???: umm who is this?

???: this is Finn who is this?

???: well I'm Jack
Jack changed ??? To Finn

Finn changed ??? To Jack
Finn: nice to meet you

Jack: you to

Finn: well I should probably go now

Jack: bye

Chat between Millie and Finn

Finnyboi❤️: hey Mills?

Mills💙: yeah

Finnyboi❤️: at least it's actually you

Mills💙: what?!?!

Finnyboi❤️: I tried to text u but it was a boy called Jack

Mills💙: I know a boy called Jack

Finnyboi❤️: cool but is it the same person?

Mills💙: maybe

Finnyboi❤️: idk but ttyl

Mills💙: kk bye


Sorry it was such a short chapter i promise it will get better but they needed somewhere to start.

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