chapter 1

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The sound of clock make as it goes by,I sighed out of bored while spinning the chair,looking at the ceiling.

(a/n:just like in the gif,but her back leaning onto the chair,i put this here bcuz i dont really know how to explain and in case u dont understand)

(a/n:just like in the gif,but her back leaning onto the chair,i put this here bcuz i dont really know how to explain and in case u dont understand)

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It's saturday in the afternoon,where all people around my age hanging out with their friends or family.I looked at the clock on the table,4.30p.m..

"I'm bored ~" I whined,still spinning her chair.

"HEY,STOBB IT!" I'd stop spinning the chair and looked at my friend/neighbour,areum,who tried to focus on her homework.

"but I'm bored" I pouted,"do something areum"

she looked at me,annoyed,"don't you have homework to do?" she asked and countinuing doing her homework.

"I've already done it"

"then shut the fuck up!" She raising her voice a bit and sending death glares at me.

"okay okay geez"I surendered,lifting my hand up and regret coming here,"why did I even came here?"I muttered


The moon slowly showing itself to the world,glowing beautifully as the stars sprinkled itself on the sky(WTF?),shinning so brightly.I returned back home when it almost dinner,of course helping my mom making dinner.

After the dinner,I plooped myself on the bed,sighed.I'd take my phone on the desk next to my bed,checking if there's any notification.

no notification

"what am i doing with my life?" I took the pillow and cover my face with it then screamed,letting out the frustration.I threw it away and went to the window.

(i'm just to lazy to explain the details how the window is)

(yeah,i used candace's room but only the window as reference but this's how the room look like)

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(yeah,i used candace's room but only the window as reference but this's how the room look like)

I slide the window up,opening it,leaning against the cabinet(?) as the cold breezed hitting my skin,made me shuddered a little

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I slide the window up,opening it,leaning against the cabinet(?) as the cold breezed hitting my skin,made me shuddered a little.

'oh,when did someone move in ?' I thought as i realized the once empty house across the street has someone or a family move in.




A smile suddenly appeared on my face as I heard the Min's siblings bickering.They were so loud even they were in the house and the neighbourhood nearby here already know how this siblings work and give no shit about it because it already blended in this neirbourhood.(?)

I looked at the sky,'there's so many stars tonight' I thought.I opened one of the cabinet,taking out my camera and opened the other cabinet,taking out the small bottle of bubble soap(?).

(it's like jungkook's camera,let put it down here)

I went back to the window, and turned on the camera

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I went back to the window, and turned on the camera.I pointed the lens to the sky and finding the better  angle before capturing it.I looked at the pictures I took as my lips curved upward  and looked back at the sky.Placing the camera beside me and grab the bubble soap.Twisting the lid,opening it up and blew it as the bubble flowing out of the window.

I stopped what I do and realizing something,"wait...why the fuck i'm using this when I have-" I stopped my words mid air and opened the cabinet below(?) me."yes,this is it" I took out the bubble gun and returned to my previous position,putting the bubble soap into it place on the gun and pull the trigger as the bubble flowing out from the gun.As it looks pleasant to me,I grabbed my camera and capturing it.

(in case u dont know wht im talking abt)

(in case u dont know wht im talking abt)

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Third person's p.o.v



He capturing the beautiful view infront of his eyes,a smile crept up on his face as he looked at his masterpiece,"beautiful"he muttered before continuing capturing  the view.

gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang,im listening to it rn hahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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