A small piece of action can change it all in a second.

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You know the feeling of when you love something very much, you have fun with it, it makes you laugh it makes you happy, you sometimes get angry at it and then all of a sudden, they do something you where not prepared of at the moment, you get hurt and chocked and you just feel how this thing is not something you love anymore. You get tears of chock and run away by locking yourself in to the bathroom taking care of the damage as the tears falls. You just wanna be alone, you don't want them anymore nore anyone else around you. You just wanna cry on your own and have space since something you loved just became dead to you just like that and your day just got ruined like that in a second.

If you know that feeling, you have probably been through it. I have been throut it once, but now it happened twice.
I'm talking about cats. When they suddenly scratch you out of nowhere, and you just feel all dead inside.
The first time I felt this feeling, was not about cats tho, it was about my favorite anime in the whole world. But then I got to hear of something very bad happening in it, and it jusg became dead to me, just like the cats just became a piece of something I no longer wanna have near me at the moment.

This feeling is something I hate. It makes you hurt, it mskes you sad, and it scares you. It triggers your anxiety if you have it, and that just makes the  feeling worse.

I hate that feeling...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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