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Another story of mine that's full of yoonseok and vhope moments. So I hope you guys will enjoy it. (*'∇`*)

•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

Go fuck youself.....

That was the very last thing that suga heard from jhope. After the voice mail that the red head sent to him, he vanished. Like a ghost, he disappeared just like that, not even leaving a single trace for the people in their small town to use as evidence to find him, or his family.

Suga once tried visiting the young one's house, just a week after the voice mail was sent to him. He hoped to fix the mess he caused with jhope, but as he stopped his car in-front of their house, something felt off. He walked towards the front door, closed his eyes and sighed, ringing the doorbell along the process as it reminded him of their fun and happy memories.

He stood their for a few minutes, already starting to feel a bit impatient so he took a deep breath, trying to compose himself as he waits a little more. Then minutes turned into hours, still, no one answered the door. He stood up from the front porch, where he was currently sitting at, then once again knocked, sadly no one came to open up for him. So he did what any person who is in desperate need to see someone would do, try and open the door.

He brought his hand to the knob and twisted it. Shockingly, the door was not locked, which was a little bit weird for him but he still proceeded. The door was now slightly agape. Suga's heart rate already going over a thousand as he pushed the piece of wood slowly, his hope that was once filled with joyful expectations was now replaced with sorrow and regret.

He looked around the empty house, passing by each empty room that was filled with sweet memories by him and the red head. He then went up stairs, gliding his hand on the railings, stopping when he saw a familiar mark. The blue haired male brought his face closer and looked through teary eyes at the small but very valuable carve they made.

•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

"Suga hyung? you're never going to leave me.... right?" the red head asked as he cuddles himself into his hyung even more.

"of course not sweetie...."the said suga smiled, trying to make the young one feel reassured. He looked at the red head's face, seeing that his still worried about his suga hyung abandoning him. The older let out a sigh as he thought of a way to make his hobi stop fretting.

"here, come look at this" the older said as he gently pushed hobi aside and dragging him towards stairs. He walked up a few steps and stopped somewhere in the middle. The blue haired male took out his keys from his pocket and started carving something on the wooden railings. Hobi tried to peek over suga but failed, because whenever he would try to look, suga would always cover it with his shoulder, so the red head eventually gave up and decided to patiently wait for his boyfriend to finish.

"and.... done." the older said, moving to the side, finally letting his little hobi see what he did. The moment the red head saw the carving that said MY+JH, he felt his heart burst, overflowing with the love and affection of his hyung. What really made jhope happy though, was that their initials were incased in a heart, it was a small thing, yet it didn't get unnoticed by hobi, it had a big effect on him. The small sunshine couldn't help but run to his hyung and wrap his arms around the older's neck, giving him small kisses here and there, making suga chuckle at the cute little gesture he was receiving.

"as long as this mark stays there, we stay together" the blue haired man said as he ran his fingers through the young one's locks.

"promise?" the red head asked, letting out tiny sniffles now and then.

"promise." suga kissed his adorable boyfriend on the forehead as he hugged him.

End of Flashback
•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

"I seriously messed up" he said to himself as he finally let the tears he's been holding back ever since he came here flow out of his eyes.

Am I still ever going to see him again? he asked himself as he glided both of his hand through his hair. He looked around the empty house once again, trying to get into his senses.

After a few sad moments of suga crying, he finally got his shit together. He walked down the stairs, to the door. Taking one last look at the place he met the only person he loved and will ever love.

I'm never gonna see him again and it's all because of me.....

But that's what he thought.

2 Years later
•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

"Hi.... I'm jung hoseok, your new classmate"

Never would've yoongi thought that they'll meet again. Especially in a school like this. You see yoongi remembers hoseok as a kid who he lived with him in a small town. The red head only had enough money to go about his day, and to meet him in one of the most expensive art schools in L.A is a bit weird and strange for him.

Also the reason why he left hobi is so he could date a guy he met on tinder by the name of Park Jimin, who is apparently loaded with cash, which he used and is still using now to go to this school and pursue his dream of becoming a famous rapper. You dick.

he changed a lot though the blue haired man said to himself as he eyed hoseok from top to bottom, licking his bottom lip as he saw how different the red head has gotten. His hips were now much more curvy and his rear end was just stunning. Yoongi's eyes trailed its way up to the younger's face, admiring the beautiful structure that looked like it was sculpted by the gods.

Yoongi was having a joyful time staring at his boyfriend, well
ex-boyfriend when all of a sudden the beautiful smile that was on the red head's face turned into a cocky smirk, one of his eyebrows was raised and yoongi was startled to see that hoseok's gaze was on him. When both of their eyes finally met, hobi just scoffed and rolled his eyes. His face slowly warping back to it's earlier appearance, where it looked innocent and kind.

I need to fix things with him.....

•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

Hope you guys like the first chapter,
I'll try on updating for you guys tomorrow ( keyword: try ).

Thank you for all of the loveeeee!

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