meeting the Martinez twins

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Amanda: hola

Emilio: we can speak English you know

Amanda: I know I just know a little Spanish

Ivan: Nice I'm Ivan by the way and this is Emilio

Amanda: I know who you are I love you guys... Did I just say that out loud

Ivan: *laughs* yeah you did

Amanda: oh I'm Amanda by the way and this is my sister Miranda I've had a crush on you since you started team 10

Emilio: your cute

Ivan: Emilio

Emilio: what its true and we aren't in team 10 anymore

Miranda: that's a good thing

Ivan: but Jake wants us back

Amanda: are you gonna go back

Emilio: we might

Miranda: but Jake was a jerk to you

Ivan: you guys could come with see what Jake things of you

Amanda: okay we will come with you

Miranda: he will probably let us join Amanda he is or brother after all

Amanda: that's true

Ivan: you must of had a hard life growing up with Jake

Miranda: yeah he yelled at us when we started singing

Emilio: wow

Amanda: our other sisters is coming too

Ivan: other sisters?

Emily: hello I'm Emily

Amy: and I'm Amylynn but everyone calls me Amy

Emilio: are you guys quadruplets?

Amanda: yup

Ivan and Emilio: nice

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