I thought we were friends

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Mariah POV
So now my abusive father is here he doesn't abuse me but he abuse my mother she let him
Mom:wake the hell up Mariah you got school
Dad:hey Mariah
Mariah:hey dad
Dad:Mariah come here
Mariah:I got a feeling he finna hit me
Mariah:*socs in throat*
Mariah:mom dad slapped me
Mom:ok go to school
At school
Jasmine:I don't know how we are going to tell Mariah this
Chrystal:me neither
Mariah:hey guys where Cleo
Tiffany:ummm ummm idk ummmm know
Mariah:what's going on
Mariah:fine don't fucking tell me then!
Jasmine:find out for yourself
After school
Mariah:ughhhh why won't they tell me what's going on
At Mateo house
Ayo:hey thickems
Mariah:hey palm tree
Key:hey thickness
Mariah:hey where Mateo
Ayo:wasn't he at school
Mariah:hell nah
King imprint:check Cleo's
At cleopatra house
Mariah:the door unlocked strange
*hears moaning*
Mariah:oh hell nah
Cleo:right there ahhhhhh ok Mateo
Mariah:bitch what the fuck
Mateo:it's not what it looks like
Mariah:hoe ass rat
Cleo:I'm sorry
Mariah:fuck you I thought we were friends
Cleo:we are
Mariah:no the fuck we aren't
Mariah:bye bye
At home
Mom:Mariah your dad gone
Mom:get yo ass down here
Mom:son of a bitch
Mariah:suck some dick

Bye bye y'all

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