#flashback - or one night stand in gotham

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She was in a bar in Canada, somewhere around Winnipeg. The day was cold and cloudy and all she wanted was a beer and a break – so she headed to the nearest bar, a tiny, crowded place, filled with smoke, voices and cheap booze.

The bartender's name was Evelyn – „Evie for friends, but these days we all gotta stick together, so call me Evie, love" - as she told her, as soon as she sat down.

„So we're exchanging names?", she asked, smiling lightly. „Fine. My name's Charlie."

„That's a lovely name, darling. So, Charlie, what can I serve you?"

„Whiskey on rocks."

„Your accent says you're not from around here.", Evie said, pouring her drink. „Where do you come from?"

„How do I sound?"

„Well, you sound like you're from that godforsaken hellhole of a city called Gotham."

„Fuck, seriously?", Charlie sighed, tapping on the countertop with her long nails – today they were painted black. „You wound me. Do I really sound like I'm from there?"

„You do. I would know, I grew up there."


Charlie took a sip and smiled, shaking her head. She put the glass down and once again looked at Evelyn, brushing some loose auburn curls away from her face.

„Funny thing, I was there recently.", she admitted, tapping her foot to the tune of the song playing in the background. „A month ago, I think."

„Did you like it?", Evie asked, with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. Charlie laughed quietly, already knowing the right answer – it was in Evie's eyes, in the way she moved, in the way she rolled her eyes a bit when she mentioned the city.

„It sure is one of a kind.", she said. „I never saw so many criminals in one place, and I'm travelling all over the globe."

„I heard it had gotten much worse lately. Ever heard of the Waynes?"

„Oh, please.", Charlie snorted. „Half of the city belongs to them, not to mention that giant tower AND that golden plaque. Is it really pure gold?"

„So I heard.", Evie nodded, looking at something – someone – behind Charlie. „Calm down, gents, or I'll kick you out!", she said suddenly, in a tone much louder and harsher. Suddenly it became crystal clear why she's the bartender – something in her voice made the arguing men calm down instantly

Maybe she has a superpower, Charlie thought. Maybe that's why she left Gotham.

„Why did you come to Canada?"

„Well, for starters, it's not United States and I didn't have money for any other plane ticket.", Evie said, shrugging nonchalantly, her silver hair glimmering in the dim lamplight. „Fresh start and all that crap."

„Fresh start from what?", she asked, sliding her finger around the rim of her glass.

„From an asshole named Tony. Those Gotham boys..."

Evelyn paused for a moment, shook her head and sighed.

„Those Gotham boys shouldn't be kept around for long. They are all the same – all flash and no substance, will make you scream at night, and then cry in the morning, when you realize your wallet is gone, along with your fucking heart."

Evie sighed again and started to wipe the counter with a piece of cloth. Charlie nodded, finished her drink and set the glass down.

„Well, my Gotham one night stand didn't steal anything from me. He was incredible in bed and I wish he gave me his number, but I guess I was lucky."

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