Day before the Festival

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3rd POV

It was a new day, and Nu Nu wanted to start a Festival for the others. As she whent to the Bloom Booths, she couldn't help but notice, that a chaos plant was in the Garden AGAIN. "This is the 5th time today." she said, as she went to remove it, but.....a memory of her brother popped in her head.


"NU NU GET AWAY FROM THAT PLANT!" it was Nour," I need to uproot this now." he said and used the Green Gale to uproot it." Are you ok." he said and Nu Nu Nodded "Good , Cause I cant afford to lose you"(note i changes what he says cuz i need more plot XD)

Memory End

After the memory ended Nu Nu started to cry. Roto was working in the garden at the time and heard her crying. "Chief!" he yelled and ran to Nu Nu. "Chief, are you ok?!?!" he said and Nu Nu nodded, he was as concerned as Nour, which she cried some more. "Nu Nu stop crying.....what ever is wrong, I can help, or sombody else ok....just.....don't cry" he said and he hugged her. Nu Nu stopped crying and hugged back. After that...she restocked all of the Bloom Booths and got the card stamped by all of them. After that, she went to the Fountain plaza to check something , but saw Shakuro and blushed remembering when they were kids


"You can't catch me!" said young  Nu Nu  " Yea I can!" said young Shakuro  and tackled Nu Nu and started tickling her. "Hehehehehestop.....ok ok you win" she said and he stopped "told you I'd catch you." Nu Nu laughed " I guess so."

Memory End

"Chief? CHIEF!" "HUH!?!?!?" Nu Nu said startled, it was Sol. "You ok? You seem.... distracted." "I'm fine Sol." she said and left

So now you got an Idea of what will happen now if you played the game so.....


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