I love you

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"ALEX PLEASE NO!" I heard a scream. The voice. I could recognize it anywhere.


I dropped my keys and ran to where I heard the sound come from. I ended up in a dark staircase that I'd gone down many times before. The basement. 

I sighed as I took out the glock from my waistband. I slowly took one step at a time being careful not to make any noice. The glock shaking in my hands as I felt sweat come down my brow. 

I reached the last step, standing limply infant of the cold metal door. I heard a muffled whimper. 

I kicked the door open revealing Jacob and Alex. Jacob was under him, Alex's hands wrapped around his neck. Jacob was starting to pale, tears leaking involuntarily from his eyes. 

"ALEX STOP IT!" I screamed as I ran towards them, dropping the gun.

Alex let go of Jacob and quickly turned around. He frowned as he got up and stood in front of me. My feet were frozen in place as he scanned my face with his cold eyes. 

A cough from Jacob brought me from my daze. He rubbed his neck as he gasped for air. 

I snapped my head towards Alex. "What the fu--"

He kicked me in the gut, making me fly back and hit a cement wall. The room started to spin and black spots started to appear at the edges of my vision. 

A whistle gained my attention to the center the room. 

Alex had Jacob infront of him, a dagger at his neck.

"See Angel. When you disobey my orders, there are consequences. Say bye bye to your little brother."

Jacob mouthed an "I love you" as the dagger slit his skin, blood gushing from his throat. He made gargling sounds as his eyes started to water. His body slumped and crumpled to the ground. Crimson blood still pouring down his neck and drenching his body, his baby blue eyes still wide open.

I finally realized I was screaming the whole time as my throat felt dry and scratchy . 

Without me realizing, Alex had made his way across the room and was on his knees infront of me. He cupped my face, my brother's blood still on his hands, and peppered my face with kisses. 

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love. I love you." He said over and over again in between kisses. I felt my consciousness slip away. 

;) im back bitch 

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