Week one- Zayn

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Zayn's POV

Week 1:

This week has been nothing but exhausting for me, I haven't slept properly in days, the thought of Liam haunting me. My days have consisted of me, sitting in my bed, my eyes half open as I rummage through the photos of Liam on my phone. "How do you manage to invade my thoughts, every second of the day Liam Payne?" I whisper to myself, frowning.

I sigh and sit up, the photos of Liam becoming distorted as tears cloud my vision. I groan, this is so frustrating, I haven't cried in over ten years and I'm going to suddenly brake this streak because of some guy? No, the Zayn Malik I know wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck. I cringe at the thought of hurting my Liam again, "Fuck." I curse.


I quickly pull into the vacant drive-in and park my car, stepping out of the old, beaten up thing. "Zayn! You made it buddy!" Someone yells from behind me

I wince at the familiar voice, "Louis!" I greet, I quickly turning around, my face coated in a sickly sweet smile.

"What's up Bradford bad boi?" He asks throwing his arm around my shoulder.  

I sigh in annoyance and grab his arm, removing it from my shoulders, "Fuck you." I seethe, he knows I hate when they joke around like that.

"I'm just kidding Zaynie!" He says smiling.

I sigh and walk towards the old hardware store, "Are they here?" I ask, I open the old glass door and step in.

"Not yet, but they will be." He says

I nod and continue down the vacant hallway, that smelled oddly of Liam.

I smile and turn towards Louis, "What scent are you guys setting up in the air vents?" I ask, I can't help the exited tone that leaves my mouth.

He shrugs, "Nothing, I think that's the new guys cologne you're smelling." 

I frown, "The new guy?" I ask confused

"Oh yeah, we had a guy join us last week. Said he could help us out." Louis says smiling

"He's quite the looker actually." He adds, his smile growing even bigger.

"Awe, you like him dont you Lou?" I coo

He scoffs, but I can't help but notice the blush that creeps up his neck, "Mhm." I hum smiling.

He sighs but continues to walk, "So..." I whisper, drawing it out.

He looks over at me and nods, "What's his name?" I ask winking

He groans and covers his eyes with the back of his hand, "Harry." He mumbles

I frown at the familiar sound of his name, "Harry Styles?" I ask, I think that was his last name.

He looks over at me, his eyes squinted in confusion. "You know him?" 

I shake my head, "No, but he's one of Liam's friends." I say

"Liam... Liam Payne?" Louis mumbles scratching his head

I stiffen, "How do you know his name?" I hiss

"Harry." He says

I quicken my pace as Louis speeds out of the hallway, "Is this the Liam you've been 'seeing'?" Louis asks, his voice panicked and rough.

I nod slowly, "Shit!" He curses, his fingers come up to his hair and he tugs gently on the ends

"What?" I ask, I just know what he's going to say. But if he says it, he's a dead man.

  "I-I didn't know-w it at the time." He whispers, his eyes wide.

I frown, "What the fuck did you do?" I whisper

"I swear I didn't know!" He whimpers

"What did you do?!" I yell, the corners of my vision become a dark red, and the silence of the room is replaced by my loud breathing.

"I'm sorry." He whimpers

"Don't make me repeat myself Louis." I seethe

"I sent Harry after Liam. I thought that if I killed the sheriffs son, he would know to stop looking for you! I didn't know he was the Liam you've been talking about lately!" He says quickly, pacing around the small room.

I close my eyes quickly, the pounding in my ears making me smile. I love this feeling, the feeling of having no control over my body, the feeling of want. Right now I want to rip Louis head off his body. Right now I want to rip out everyone of his god damn teeth and make him stick everyone back in. But all that is running through my mid this moment is Liam.

I want my Liam back...


Hello people of wattpad:D

I would just like to say thank you; on the last chapter I had gotten four comments... That's amazing! I love every single one of your comments and they all bring a smile to my face:) Please comment more guys, I love when you guys do so, it makes my day so much better:D

I have also just recently posted the Orange Peel Serial Killer. I really hope you guys go check it out, you know vote and comment, because that would mean the absolute world to me guys!

So yeahhhhhhhhh.

*Insert random question*

~What is a bad habit that you have?

Mine's probably biting my nails, it's a horrible habit and I hope to stop... One day:)

~And, are you going to read my new story? Haha, just thought I'd throw that in:)

Okay so, how about... 12 votes and 2 comments, for an update?

I love you ALL<3


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