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Have you ever noticed how stars just appear? Like one second you're screaming at a dark sky and the next you are screaming at a couple of white specks in sea of darkness. 

What was I doing, you ask?

Well, I was screaming at the sky on a semi-busy street at 11:34 at night. 


I don't know, felt like it I guess. 

Okay, that was a lie. The truth is that I just left a rather charming dinner with my parents where they tried to convince that I need to find a man soon unless I want to die alone. In nicer words, of course. 

It seems that I won't have a nice and happy life unless I find a man, settle down, and have twenty babies all in the span of two years. 

Well, my life is looking up. 

Anyway, shortly after my mother squeezing my hand and saying that she only wants the best for me, I walked out here and started to scream my lungs out. Very therapeutic, I highly recommend it.

People were looking at me, probably wondering if I was possessed or crazy or both. Probably both. Although, no one dared to question me about it. They just merely walked around me like I  was a tree. 

Can you imagine though? My life will be so much easier as a tree. No expectations or tree parents telling you what they want you to do. Although, staying in one place all the time doesn't sound appealing. 

But anyway, I digress. 

It was all going swimmingly, I was screaming my problems out without the questions of strangers until-

"Are you okay?"

Ah yes, it had to happen eventually, people are nosy little things, myself included. 

I stopped my hollering and looked at my interrupter, he was cute. He was also staring at me like I lost my head, but oh well. 

"Of course, why do you ask?" I replied. I imagine my face being causal but I wouldn't know, seeing as I can't see my face. But, I had a good idea seeing as his eyes widened a bit more. 

"Um, okay. Well, is there a reason for your screaming?" I'm sure you know who's talking but if you didn't, it was the guy. He sure is inquisitive, kind of endearing, kind of annoying. I'm not sure which one I'm leaning towards right now, whether he's annoying or endearing. Eh, I'll see where this goes. 

"My dear, loving, kind, considerate, and adoring parents want me to find a man before I die alone." As you can see, my parents are my favorite people in the world.

The guy just laughed, there was a hint of awkwardness in it. I don't blame him, this isn't the standard conversation between two people who haven't even exchanged names yet. Lit, that part is always awkward, weird, and always seem forced to me.  Oh wait, I don't know his name. 

I'll have to fix that. 

I waited for him to say something, but he didn't, so I took it upon myself to continue the conversation. 

"Anyway, as you can see, I've taken their lovely advice and started my man-hunting. Care to join?" I smile in a way that shows that I was joking, hopefully.

His reply seemed to get caught up in his cough, it seems that some time in my last sentence all the air left his lungs. I have that effect on people. Okay, not really, but that would be so cool if I did. 

"Y(cough)ou find men by screaming at the sky?" He had a twinkle in his eye, or maybe it was just the street lights reflecting off them, but it made him look so adorable. uh, I mean handsome, of course.

Wait a minute, what did he just say? Oh no, this sounds like the beginning of a joke. 

"Very effective, I can see, I mean look at all the men lining up to be your husband." He says with a slimy, filthy, adorable smile creeping up on his face. He gestured to a space where there weren't men lining up near me. Haha, he's so funny, haha stop, I'm dying.


Luckily, I have years of experiences on how to handle this.

"Well, you're here, aren't you?" Boom, Roasted! How do you like them apples? My glorious self gave the best comeback this street has ever heard. Even he who I don't know the name of smiled a little bit. 

Me: 1 Whoever the heck he is: 0

"Alright, you got me. Your failed attempt at a siren call drew me to you to ask you one simple question." Pausing, he stepped back, pulling a blue string from his pocket, and got down on one knee. Laughing a bit, trying to put on a serious expression (and failing), he said, "Screaming lady, will you do me (laugh) the honor of being your(laugh) man so you don't die alone." 

He obviously meant this as a joke. I mean the man was kneeling mainly in laughter if anything else. 

But I was never one to turn down a proposal. 

Kneeling down with him, I grasped his hand, looked deeply into his eyes, and said the words that had him fall back in shock and fear, "Yes! Yes! Of course, I will marry you. I thought you would never ask."

Not even The Flash could get up as quickly as he did.

Backing away in fear, he stumbled out, "You're kidding, right? I wasn't- Look, you seem like a nice lunatic, but no, no that's reckless and irresponsible and I have a future and-" he kept repeating the same things differently the entire way down the street, not stopping even when he was almost run over by a car. 

I'm not that repulsive. 

Oh well, my would've been husband's shadow was getting smaller and smaller as I watched him high-tail it out of my vicinity. When I couldn't see him anymore, I looked around, becoming suddenly aware of what just happened.

I was almost engaged. 

Oh, my mother would've been ecstatic. 

I saw the string the guy dropped and picked it up.  Ah, what might have been. 

Walking home I realized something, I forgot to get his name.

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