Dirty things pt 1 NSFW

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- Very gentle

- Slow and deep

- Never rushes

- Bites his lip

- MiSsIoNaRy

- Sweats a fuck ton

- Likes to bury his face in your neck when he thrusts

- Always tells you he loves you when he gets close to cumming

- Prefers receiving oral

- Loves watching you on your knees

- Was raised on the belief sex=love, so it's always about making love with him

- Not big on PDA


- All about speed

- Loves holding you against the wall

- Used to quick fucks

- Sucks your nipples

- Ya boi gets LOUD

- Gives so many hickeys

- Kisses deeply

- A bottom king

- Pulls you into his lap

- Loves to put his hand on your thigh under the table

- Thin, nimble fingers ;)

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