Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm back with another Fanfiction (and not a one shot this time! :D) I've had this starter for a while and have been meaning to make a fic on it and am finally getting around to it, so... here it is, I hope you all like it! Please let me know of any grammar mistakes you notice while reading :)
Also, I might be re-doing this chapter in the morning if I remember to check it because it's crazy late where I am now and I'm not at my best -.-
I'll add it into the description if I do. :) okay, sorry, go ahead and read the fanfiction xD (if you didn't just skip all this xD)

It wasn't like Marinette to get into fights, however, today was definitely an exception. Chloe went too far. It wasn't okay what she said about Chat Noir, and Marinette honestly, can't find any room for regret. Even as she sat in the hospital, getting stitches in her arm, she wore the face of a proud defender. And- A pissed off teenage girl.
She couldn't understand how someone could say such things about a HERO of PARIS. Especially Chat...
when she got home, her parents sent her to her room where she lay, staring at the ceiling. Until she heard a familiar tap on the window.

"Chat?" She exclaimed, halfway up before her back started to hurt again. She gritted her teeth and thanked the fact that her curtains were drawn. "Ow..." She muttered, before pushing herself up. With a muffled yelp she swallowed and sighed with a forced smile, walking up to her window.

"Hey Chat" she greeted with a smile. "Right now isn't the best time... Can you maybe come back tomo-"

"I heard about your fight with Chloe." Chat cut her off. Well. That was fast.
She paled and suddenly found the floor very interesting, staring daggers into it.
"I don't know what you're talking about" she tried, with a reassuring smile.

Chat met her gaze sadly. "Princess." He pressed.

Mari sighed, a light blush forming on her cheeks. "It was hardly a fight really" she defended, avoiding eye contact with the cat boy.

"I heard you needed to go to the hospital." He said grimly, his body language looked regretful and she wondered why.

"Just for stitches-!" She defended loosely.

Chat's breath caught and he bit his cheek. "Why...?"

Mari raised an eyebrow, unsure why he's so serious when he hasn't been since she knew him, as either ego. "Well, there was a bit of a deep gash that needed to be fixed up," she said, humorously rolling her eyes as if saying 'duh'

Chat's ears pointed straight and he made eye contact again. "No, seriously, why did you get in that fight? Why would you fight over..." He trailed off, not wanting to believe his princess got hurt because of him, but his voice cracked when he forced himself to say "me?"

Marinette gaped at the boy and all humor fleeted her expression. "Why do you say it like that?" She asked "you say it like you regret something. Chat you did //not// do any of that. That fight was between Chloe and I." She said, searching his eyes when he made eye contact.

"But I did" he growled, not necessarily at her, just in general and looked at the floor. "You fought. You got hurt. Fighting for my reputation. Why would you do that?" He asked, his voice shrinking as he spoke and cracking at the end.

Marinette stared at him for a while, unsure how to answer.

Why did she?

"I fight for my friends, Chat." She said, her voice soft. "And you're my best friend. Why wouldn't I? - how //couldn't// I?" She asked, seriously.

Chat's eyes started watering but he was able to keep them out of sight of his friend. "Don't." He croaked. "Don't fight for me! Don't get hurt because of me! Don't let your life worsen because of me! ... P-Please...!" He shouted weakly.

Marinette glanced at her door, hoping her parents didn't hear that and looked back at Chat, to see his eyes glisten in the moonlight of the night. "Chat..."

He quickly wiped his eyes and turned away, so his back was to her. "Just... Promise me. You won't-"

"I can't promise that Chat." She said, hugging him from behind in the best way she could manage without hurting her injuries. "I can't promise to not fight for you, because I will. If it's necessary I will again, and again, and again... I won't stop. That's the only promise I can make." She whispered into the back of his shoulder.

The boy turned to face her, emotion lost in his deep green orbs. "Mari." He said, his voice hoarse.

"Please. You're hurt. Because of me. And if you know me at all, you know that that hurts me way more than what the people think of me. I'm not asking anymore, I'm begging."

Mari's eyes widened slightly and she felt her cheeks warm. "okay." She agreed, her voice small.

A limp smile spread on the boy's face. "Thank you."

Just then a beeping sound entered the room and Marinette glanced down before looking back up at the boy. "You should go," she said, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah... I'll be back soon though" he said, walking towards the window.

"Goodnight Chat" she called with a smile when he was halfway out the window.

"Goodnight Purrincess" he waved with a salute.

Mari rolled her eyes playfully and watched him leave until he was nowhere in sight. And when he was gone, Tikki came out from hiding.

"Are you sure you can keep your promise to him Mari?" She asked

The blue-haired girl looked at her, then towards the window where she once saw her feline friend.
"I didn't promise anything Tikki. I just agreed."

Hey guys! I have re-written/ edited this chapter from when I first uploaded it, and it's shorter from before, but I feel like it's better written and in my opinion, it went naturally. When I first had the idea for this chapter I was gonna have Chat throw a hissy fit and yell at Mari and them fight, but I can't do that to Mari 😅 (yet...)
Anyway, let me know what you thought about it and I'll be updating soon ^^

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