Part 1: Kiki needs to be a bit more lowkey

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How Kihyun always ends up in these situations are unknown to him.

Honestly, it's not his fault that he somehow managed to leave Hyunwoo's bachelor party without even talking to the man in question, really! If anything, it was Minhyuk's fault, since he had drug Kihyun away the moment he stepped foot into the house and lead him significantly further and further away from Hyunwoo as the night wore on. Not to mention that this party had been held at someone who Kihyun had never met before's house, so it's not like he knew where exactly he was going, either.

In the end, Hyunwoo hadn't even really been all that mad about it, since he's known Minhyuk for a long time, and has come to anticipate his antics. It's not like Hyunwoo had been alone the entire night, too, since people had gone up to him to congratulate him, and after Minhyuk had ditched Kihyun he went back to Hyunwoo.

All in all, the night was pretty much a success for Hyunwoo. The party that he had begrudgingly let Minhyuk and another friend plan had gone well, nothing broke, everyone enjoyed themselves.

It's just that. . .

"So, you're telling me that you met someone at my bachelor party yesterday, but you don't know his name and you don't have any of his contact information? But he was really cute and really soft and funny, so now you want the names of everyone who came so this way you could find him on Facebook, which you aren't even sure he uses? And you thought that I would be the best person to help you find him, at the party that I didn't even plan?"

Kihyun gave Hyunwoo a tight smile and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well, to be fair, I did try to ask Minhyuk first, but he told me that he was too busy going out with Wonho and Changkyun to grill them for details on Hyungwon and Jooheon to help me. So, here I am." Kihyun ended with a shrug.

Hyunwoo shook his head, a soft sigh coming from his lips. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Didn't you confess to your fiance because you were jealous while you both were drunk off your rockers and he drunkenly stripped in front of the entire bar?" Kihyun gave him a playful smirk. It had actually been cute, Hyunwoo's confession (probably would've been better, too, had he not been drunk and slurring and stuttering all of his words, but that was the one thing about that night that Kihyun would let him forget, at least when Minhyuk didn't find the chance to poke fun at that too).

Kihyun's elder blushed red. "At least I knew his name before I tried to court him."

"Just- do you know him or not?"

"Okay, okay." Hyunwoo raised his arms in mock surrender. "At least describe him to me before I tell you if I know him, jeez."

"Um, purple hair, golden skin, dark green painted nails?" Kihyun recalled, frowning as he tried to remember more. "I think he mentioned something about working in a bakery, but that wasn't why he was there."

Hyunwoo nodded his head. "Yeah, I think I actually know who you're talking about." He pulled out his phone and searched for something quickly before he turned the screen to face Kihyun. "Is this who you're talking about?"

And really, it was. The guy's skin glowed in the lighting of the picture, his then- black hair bringing out the sharpness of his jawline (and whoa, did he look good with black hair).

Kihyun slightly nodded and looked up, giving Hyunwoo a thumbs up. "Yeah, that's the guy. Could I have his name?"

Hyunwoo pretended to think about it for a moment, bringing a hand to his chin to stroke it in though. "As tempting as it is to say yes, I just know that Minhyuk would never forgive me if I didn't say no. Sorry, Kiki." He patted Kihyun's shoulder, an amused smile on his lips.

"But Hyunwoo," Kihyun pouted, "why can't you help me out with this? I helped you try and fail to ask out Wonho a good fifty times."

"And what good help you were." He could hear Hyunwoo mutter before he cleared his throat. "Anyway, I never said that I wasn't going to help you, just that I wasn't going to give you his name. I want you to do that on your own, at least." Hyunwoo typed on his phone a bit more before he showed Kihyun the screen again. "This is where he works at. You should stop by sometime, but try to do it when it's not too busy, since he is one of the baker's there, after all."

Kihyun nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I should do that. Should I go alone though? Or should I bring someone with me? If I bring someone with me then I should try to make it someone who we won't look like we're dating, right? Oh, I've got it! I'll bring Hyungwon and Jooheon with me, then it'll look like I'm third wheeling a date!"

Hyunwoo laughed at the younger's antics. "You're over thinking this way too much. Just go there and order a coffee or something. If you catch him on break he'll probably be outside the kitchen."

"And when is he on break? Or, actually, better question, what days is he working?" Kihyun asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, I can't tell. What would be the fun in that?" Kihyun rolled his eyes at him.

"You know, Wonho and Minhyuk are horrible, horrible influences on you, right?"

"You weren't saying that when I refused to tell Minhyuk who you had a crush on when it was him."

Kihyun scowled. "I love how you say that like he didn't find out anyway. Besides, that's not the point. It's only fun if I'm not involved, which has so far been a low count of zero times."

Hyunwoo put an arm around his shoulders. "Well, think of it this way. At least you're on the side of knowing what's going on and not being directly involved with it with Hyungwon and Jooheon."

Kihyun shook his head. "You're evil, you know that?"

"It comes with being with Wonho, what can I say." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Now, shouldn't you be looking up the opening and closing times of the store so you actually know when to go there?"

"Oh shit." Hyunwoo laughed as Kihyun said a quick goodbye and left to go to his own apartment.

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