Part 3: I.M seriously done with all of you

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"I can be there at about ten if you'd like? So this way all of the preparations will be finished and I won't be in the way. I could come earlier, though, if you'd like. Eight thirty is the earliest I can arrive." Kihyun said as he wrote down all of the information that the woman was telling him into his small, pocket-sized notebook. "Okay, so you want me there by nine thirty? No problem. I'll see you there, ma'am."

"You know," Minhyuk stared as he walked into the room, Hyunwoo trailing behind him, "sometimes I'm envious of the fact that you get to do what you love for a living. Then I remember that you have to start at a time too unreasonable to be awake, and I get happy that I'm an afternoon school teacher."

Kihyun laughed as Wonho threw a pillow at him from where he was sat on the couch next to him. "Don't lie to us, we all know that you love those kids like they were your own."

"I don't need my own. I already have you and Hyunwoo to take care of."

Hyunwoo lightly slapped his shoulder. "First you freeload off of us, now you say that you take care of us." Hyunwoo made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound and shook his head. He was smiling as he did that, though.

Minhyuk dragged him to sit down on the other side of Wonho and sat down in both of their laps. "You two love me and you know it."

Wonho wrapped one arm around Hyunwoo's shoulder and the other around Minhyuk's waist and pulled them closer to himself. "Yup. I don't really know why, though. Maybe remind me?"

"Nope," Kihyun stood up, "I'm not dealing with you three and your domesticity right now. Call me back after you've fucked your bedsheets soaked."

"You know, you're always free to join us, Kiki!" Minhyuk called out, laughing when the only response he got was a middle finger before Kihyun started putting on his shoes.

Hyunwoo rolled his eyes and got up after Kihyun. "You aren't actually going to leave, are you?"

"It's tempting, but sadly, no." Kihyun let out a mock sigh. "I still have a good half an hour before I have to go take the pictures for the restaurant menu, and this is the most convenient place to wait, so you guys are stuck with me for a bit longer."

Hyunwoo gasped and put a hand over his heart. "I knew it, you never really loved us. You just use us for our house."

"Yup, you caught me." Kihyun put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but this entire time I've only been in it for the house."

Hyunwoo made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound and shook his head. "I should've known. You never were as open and honest with us as we were to you."

"It was because I didn't want you guys getting more hurt than I knew you would."

"Uhhhhhh." The two of them turned to where Wonho stood, looking a mix between amused and bewildered. "Did I just walk into an angsty romance drama scene, or...?"

"Do you mind? We were having a moment." Kihyun pouted.

Wonho put his hands up. "No, no, by all means. Please, finish the scene. I'll just go make some popcorn so Minhyukkie and I can enjoy the scene."

Kihyun rolled his eyes as Wonho went into their kitchen. "Damn, and to think that you two are getting married soon. It'll be the honeymoon phase all over again." He shuddered.

"Doesn't the honeymoon phase start after the wedding when we're actually on our honeymoon?"

"Yeah, but think about it. When most couples first get together, there's that period of time when absolutely everything seems perfect. No fights, no worries, just sappy love. Then you start opening up, the relationship goes on for longer, there are a few rough patches but hopefully nothing so big that you can't fix. Afterwards, one person goes, proposes, and then you get married and forget about all of your fights and worries until like a month later, when you're panicking because you don't know how to explain to your parents that you two are married to each other but are still platonically fucking Minhyuk on the side."

"Hey, why do you think I'm the bottom!" They could hear Minhyuk say from where he was still seated in front of the T.V.

Kihyun shrugged. "You look like a bottom, what can I say."


Hyunwoo sighed. "Anyway, you have to be at a restaurant in half an hour, yeah?" He looked at his watch and winced. "Well, more like thirteen minutes now, actually."

Kihyun's eyed widened and sat back down to actually put on his shoes this time. "Wait, seriously?"

Hyunwoo nodded. "Yeah. Where is this place, anyway."

"Well, you know the cafe where the purple haired guy works?"


"If you walk two blocks in the direction of the playground, it's the place with the blue walls by the corner."

"I've passed by that place before," Hyunwoo said, "is it any good?"

"I wouldn't know." Kihyun shrugged. "I've never been. Hyungwon, Jooheon, and Changhyun have been there, though, and I know that they liked it, so it's probably good."

"Ah, then maybe the two of us should go sometime."

"Are you flirting with Kiki right in front of your fiance?" Wonho joked as he reentered the room, a bag of chips in his hand.

"What happened to the popcorn?" Kihyun raised an eyebrow.

"It took too long to make."

"Yeah, of course it did." Kihyun rolled his eyes and looked at the time on his phone before he slipped it into his pocket. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to go to work," he picked up his bag of camera equipment, "so, talk to you guys later?"

"Yup." Minkyun wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Those two," he jerked his head towards Hyunwoo and Wonho, "are going out to have a date night tonight, so you can just come back here afterward and hang out."

"Alright, but I really have to go now." He gave Minhyuk a hug and waved at the other two. "Bye guys."

When the door closed he pulled the strap of his bag higher onto his shoulder and headed in the direction of his latest job.

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