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I crave the feeling of being alive,

I long for a feeling of wholeness,

to be able to be on my own and feel like a entire entity,

but that is far out of my reach,

my happiness is so wrapped in another that I am unable to feel joy unless his hand is in mine.

I love this,

the feeling of being completed by another,

but sometimes I wonder if the purpose of a relationship

is not to complete a person,

but to add on to an already strong, self sufficient being.

Perhaps joy and wholeness can only be found in myself,

and his presence is an added bonus to feeling like I am my own person.

Perhaps I am the entree, complete on my own,

and he is dessert,the sweet ending to something already perfected on it's own.


All The Broken PartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz