Chapter 1 Richie

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You suck Richie. What the heck dude. Hey Henry what GO BLOW YOUR DAD YOU MULLET WEARING BUTTHOLE!

Oh you gonna die soon. I swear you are going to die. Yeah right me,Ben Beverly,Mike,Ben,Stanley,Bill,

and Eddie killed a clown and you and your friends didn't.

Still don't belive you Richie. Bev give him the tape. K here *Henry watches it* Crap that shoulda been us on camera not you guys.

Lol just admit we are better than you. Fine you guys are better than us. Thank you have a good day.

Hey Eddie, shut up. Wow that was just rude Eddie is it rude to have fun with your sister

If you do that I will literally kill you. Ha try me and I'll throw you in pee and poop.

You do that im taking you with me. Oh no you ain't I'm staying away.
Away from your smelly butt.

Ha at least I attacked the clown first. Yeah yeah guess what nobody cares whether you attacked the clown first or not.

*Okay all out of ideas sorry but hope you enjoyed this little preview and comment if you want to but uh yeag see you soon*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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