Mama Kyle X Craig

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Umm I will admit this, I am obsessed with Kyle and Craig so any ships with them I'm gonna pour my heart into ❤️

I love my little brother Ike, he my favourite, he may be adopted but I still love him, Stan constantly says that I'm like a mother to him, which is not true I just really care about him and don't want anything to happen. That's all.

I walk to stans house and wait for him so we can walk to school. The but broke down last week so we all have to walk now. I see stan walk out his house with his jacket unzipped.

"hey you ready?" he asked, I walk up to him and zip his jacket up

"dude its cold out, you should be wearing warm clothes not thin coat that Bearly keep you warm, your gonna get frost bit or something"
I look up to see stan looking at me emotionlessly "what?"

"dude, your such a mum" I blush at that comment

"no I'm not"

"yup" he says turning around to head to school.


"yes you are!"

Time skip brought to you by Kyle's great ass

The last bell of the day goes off, and everyone starts to head home, well everyone who does have to pick up little brothers or sisters.

I walk up to the classes with all of the pre-schoolers, I stan there and search for Ike, that's when I see him playing with Firkle, Karen and... Ruby?

I never thought Craig's sister would hang out with my brother, they look like really good friends.

"Karen come on let's go" I hear kenny behind me yell

"Firkle, come well take you home" the goths say

I watch as the two little one run out of the room, I turn around to see Ike and Ruby headed my way "ready to Ike?"

"Yup" he ruby puts the coats on. I look at Ruby

"umbrella Ruby are not going to wait for your brother" she flipped me off. Nice.

"he's waiting for me outside, besides I'm hanging out with you and Ike today" she says with a smirk

"oh really?"

"yeah Ruby's gonna play with us" Ike bring me down so he can whisper in my ear"I told Ruby your really cool so don't screw this up for me man" I smile, wow, okay.

"alright then let's go!" ruby and Ike smile and put the arm up saying "up, up!" this is gonna be a long day.

I pick Ruby and Ike up and carry them outside where I can see craig texting on his phone.

He looks up and me and flips me off"hey Kyl- "he looks at Ruby" dude did my little sister force you to carry her or something? "he looked as if he was gonna burst of laughing

" oh haha, Ruby said she wanted to hang out with Ike today, so I guess I would just come tell you then take her home, "that sounded less weird in my head.

" oh well my parents aren't home today and they won't be back for about a week so I'll just come with you"he says

"now way I wanna hang out with Ike and Kyle today not you" Ruby says then flips him off

"to bad, I don't hate kyle, I won't leave him with you" he says back flipping her off.

The next thing I knew we were in my room Ike and Ruby playing the floor, me on my bed with Craig on top of

My bed next to me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks, I never told anyone but I had a HUGE crush on Craig, I don't know why . I just he ,he's just really hot to be honest.

"We wanna play in the snow can we ?can we?"Ike asked . I look at Craig and he just shrugs

"Okay then ,get your coats on"

"Yay!!!" They run down stairs an put their jackets scarfs and hats on , and I do the same. I turn around to see Craig with just his hat and coat,so I grab the spare scarf of the walls and wrap it around him

"you gonna catch a cold like that" I say. He look at me then leans in ,really close to my face that I begin to blush.

"Thanks mommy"he smirks then walks out the door to follow the others . And I'm just left there blushing and confused.

We played in the snow for a while ,Ike and Ruby made a snowman and Craig gave it the scarf I gave Him to ware on it. After a little longer of playing ,I decided it was time to get in so I could make dinner,since my parents were on a business trip. "Okay guys time to go in ,I need to start making dinner"

" oh can we stay for dinner Stan? can we? " Ruby asks ,I smile back at her

"If you want to then yes"I reply. She smiles the flips me off. How kind. We started to walk back to the house .

"Ah-a-ah -ACHOOOO!"I hear Craig sneeze behind me ,So I turned around pulled my tissue out held it up to his nose and said "blow" he stared at me and I stared back. Then something clicked , Ruby with her phone ,and ....I AM a mom .

I mentally face plan as I  help Craig blow his nose, I looked at and he just smirks at me "yeah yeah yeah I know ,I a mom" I turn around and head for the house again.I put my apron on and turn around "Ruby, Ike you two go play upstairs while I make food" I didn't bother to tell them to be quite ,the walls are soundproof after all. My mum dad made sure of that for some reason (I'm sure you guys know why)

I get out some veggies two pizzas a bag of chips(fries) and pasta . I put the pizza in the over and the chips(fries) in the chip pan. Then I begin to chop the veggies , as I do that I felt arm wrap around my waist, I blush instantly as I already know that it's Craig ,since I forgot to tell him to do something.

"Hmm so Kyle?" He asks


" if your the mommy ,then "I feel his lips on my ear as I wince a bit "who's the daddy?" Craig blows on my ear which make me Yelp . I'm sure my face is redder than my hair . I feel Craig cold hand travel up my chest ,I started to breath heavily . "Hmm?"

I turn and look at Craig as he has me trapped against the counter ,"y-" I begin ,he smirks more as he brings his face closer "y-you?"

"Yup" he says ,then he slams his lips onto mine , I could feel my heart beat faster than ever before. I place my hands on his chest as one of his hands wrap around my waist and the other to the back of my neck de ping the kiss. I feel him pinch me which make me Yelp, so he takes the opportunity to slips his tongue in my mouth. We stood there for Moses knows how long , our tongues dancing , finally we pull away staring into each other's eyes .

"You might want to finish making dinner now hon"he said while smirking , like seriously what is up with the smirking recently I thought this dude always had a straight face and couldn't show emotion wtf.


Again I don't know how to end this very well wait

I finished making all the food ,so just before I call down the other two I turn around and look at Craig dead in the eyes,

" I wasn't able to finish cutting the veggies because of you kissing me"

" yes we are boyfriends now- wait what?" Craig says confused

"Hah just joking ,no one likes veggies anyway "

There we go that's a good ending well bai

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