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Rabbana ma khalakta haadha baadilan, subhaanaka fa qina adhaban narr.
Rabbana innaka man tudkhilan naara faqad akhzaitahu wama lizzaalimina man ansar.
Rabbana innana sami'na munadiyan yunadiy lil imani an aaminu bi rabbikum fa aamanna.
Rabbana faghfirlana zunubana wa kaffir anna sayyi-aatina wa tawaffana ma'al abrar.
Rabbana wa aatina ma waadtana alaa rusulika walaa tukhzinaa yaumal kiyamah-innaka laa tukhliful meeaad.

Monday, 27th January, 2013
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Do u know that feeling when you want to smash all those alarm clocks invented and the inventor also, well that's how I feel right now. I took a long hard look at the time and noticed its 6:15 exactly the time my alarm is supposed to ring.

I woke up to an empty bed, "hmmmmmmmm when did they leave", I mused to myself. Maybe in the middle of the night......... errrrrr no I woke up around that time and they were still in my room,.......... aha I think they left after subh prayer when they went out. Yup definitely that time. I recited my morning supplications and decided to leave the bed now.

I rolled down from the bed, wearing my slippers I made my way downstairs drink water. Don't get me wrong or think I'm dirty Nah its just a habit I inherited from my dad i.e drinking water immediately I wake up.
         I took out the water and took two long gulps, finally satisfied I screwed the cover and pushed the water back inside the fridge. I know any minute from now iya will arrive so I decided to runaway before she arrives.

Passing by tweenys room I decided to enter and see if he is awake, seeing he is not on his bed, I started searching for him, God where the hell did he hide this time. Tweeny has the habit of hiding because he hates school...... "Why should I be wasting my energy and sleep on random knowledge 📕 mtchewwwwww"....... His words not mine. So you see I have to search for him before he hides again.

I gave up searching in his room to go downstairs when I heard the sound of someone turning on water in the bathroom. Phewwww I sighed he must be in the bathroom then. Taking that as my queue to leave I went to my room to bathe myself.

15 minutes later I came out wrapped in my same knee length towel and sat down in front of the mirror. Just like yesterday I started applying lotion to my body whilst thinking of my old school crescent. Today I'm starting my senior year in a new school, what's the name again ummmmmmm........................... Aha Lufaloy Grammar school in state road.

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