p r o l o g u e

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Nate looked around the jammed pack bar to find one particular person that was being a pain in the ass with his constant disappearance act.

He spotted Elijah seating on one of the many seats available in the bar, his body swaying back and forth slightly in his seat as Nate watch him took another shot of alcohol before slamming the empty glass down onto the counter. Nate let out a sigh of disapproval and grumbled how he should be paid for this as he walked up to Elijah, being careful not to bump into anyone as he made his way beside him.

Elijah looked up at Nate in no recognition which was no less expectation from Nate, knowing Elijah might just be seeing multiple blurred figures of him right now.

"Come on, mate." Nate grunted in annoyance as he lifted the unconscious Elijah off the bar counter only to hear him let out a low, noncohesive mumble in response.

"F*ck, how much do you weigh?" Nate asked no one in particular as he took hold of Elijah by his underarm as he tried to drag the dead body out of the stool and out the bar. Elijah's feet was dragged along the dirty carpet with his heels digging into them. His head was hanging down low with his chin touching his wrinkled dress shirt while he looked down at the floor with his hooded eyes as he continuously slips in and out of conscious.

As Nate dragged Elijah with much difficulty through the crowded dance floor, he loses grip of Elijah's underarm causing Elijah to fall down the ground with a large thud as he let a low incohesive, slurred grunt in pain.

"Oh, come on." Nate said frustratedly as he looked down at Elijah whose stomach was facing down the ground and his face, pressed sideways onto the polished floor that had been continuously trampled on by drunk faces.

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