Rants of a mad man pt.1

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 Death completely violates the laws of the universe. The universe is basically built on the law of conservation of energy meaning for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. If say a car hits you the distance you sail through the air is how fast the car was traveling for instance. That's a constant. That's how everything works. Energy can not be destroyed and so the destruction of one thing always results in the creation of something else. But one thing I've learned is death completely fucking gives up the finger. 

  Think about it, think about a human life. Think about the entire universe of thought and ideas and experiences and memories that are contained within just one person. Think about all the infinite potential of a single individual. Think about all the social connections, the family connections, the interdependence in a society. Think about the power of one person to affect others in the future of life in general. But then when you die it's like someone pulled the plug on a toaster. All that and then a tiny fucking bullet piece to some key location on your body and it all just fucking vanishes instantaneously. 

  It's bullshit. Where did it all go? You can't fucking tell me that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction when within the of death all of a persons decades of experience and love and abilities and interconnectedness just cease to exist. It doesn't even come to make sense. It's bad writing. 

  I really see how the whole religion thing started up. It's 10,000 BC, life spans are brief, someone's mate dies from a fucking snake bite and you're standing there watching someone's whole world vanish in an instant because of something so witless and random. Yeah, I'm guessing you're going to start thinking of some kind of way to make sense of it pretty damn quick. And then you'll probably get someone to write that shit down. Religion is just was people used to explain things before we have the mechanical capability to explain it all properly.

  And now we can explain the tides and the seasons and the stars. What people thought of as the afterlife could maybe also exist. It's just beyond our current scientific ability to determine it. Society exists to meet our needs. Well what we need most is to conquer death, so it logically follows that eventually we will. But not just death in the future. All death. Because all death throughout history has just been just bullshit. I pretty much now believe that to die is to find out if humanity ever conquers death. Because if we ever do conquer death we obviously use that power to save everyone who's ever died. If we can imagine it we can eventually build it and I have to believe that in some distant future we'll have invented a way to not only preserve consciousness but to reach back in time. Back to the moment of someone's death and rescue their consciousness as well and transport it into the future to live on in infinity. 

  Everyone who's ever lived and is living still a thousand years from now or 10,000 years from now in man made heaven are analogous to what ancient  people needed to invent for themselves to keep from going mad, to not loose hope, and so to die is to merely find out if humanity ever develops the technology to define death and create a vast and infinite future. That's the only possible proportionate reaction to a millennial of people dying. The only possible equilibrium to thousands of pocket universes going silent every day of every year forever. I don't think religion was born from a desperate desire to stay sane in the face of your own mortality. I wouldn't be sympathetic towards that if I thought it stemmed from love for yourself. I can accept my own pointless random death in the future. But seeing all these deaths on the news every day, every hour, every minute, of every second makes me think about this. What even is death.

I've been close to death more than once (I actually can't remember the amount of times I've been in the hospital because of some "incident" that's almost caused me to die) and this is what I've taken away from it. I'm sorry if you don't approve of my thoughts. 


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