t h e r o o m m a t e s.

43 4 2

6 - s e p t e m b e r - 2 0 1 7

T h e r o o m m a t e s .

"Yn are you oke?" Yoongi asked. You looked up to your roommate. "No! Can't you see!" You screamed. "What is it." He sat next to you on the bed. Emeditly the tears came. "He dumbed me.." You whispered. "Come here." Yoongi hugged you and the tears from your eyes fell on his sweater.

2 6 - J u l y - 2 0 1 7

"Yeah mom I'm ok, yes mom I found the house, yes mom I will study, yes mom, yes, mom I have to go my new roommates will come soon." You hang up and putted your phone out. Then you heard the door. You walked to the door and saw two boys. "Wait.." You said. "You two are guys." You said confused. "No I'm a goat and he is a frog, nice to meet you." The boy with the brown air said. "Jungkook stop it." The boy with the black hair said. "Jin don't be that serious." Jungkook smiled. "I'm sorry for him." jin said. "But are you the cleaner?" jungkook asked. "No. I live here." You said. "But you are a girl." Jungkook said. "No I'm a cat." Jin and you laughed but Jungkook just stared at you two. "Well you can stop laughing." He walked away to the living room. "But I thought this was a boy house, because your name is..." "oh my name is y/n, I know it is almost a name for a boy maybe that is what went wrong." You said. "I think so." He said. "How many will come hear again." Jungkook said loud. "Don't be so loud, we have neighbors." you said. "Okey mom." He said. "Wow you have the guts to talk like that." Jin said. "How old is he?" You asked to Jin. "He is 20" he said. "Ah, I'm 20 too." You said. "But it is nice to meet you two, I hope the rest will be nice too." You said. "Then answer me! How many will come?" jungkook asked again. "It is a house for 8 so..." "there will be 5 more." Jin smiled at you. "Thank you." You smiled back. "Pleas get a room." You rolled your eyes. then you saw he didn't putted his shoes out. "Omg pleas do your shoes out. Someone took a long time to get this house clean. And I want it to stay that way."

After a while someone else arrived, Jimin . He seams nice but very quite. He said hay and went to his room. I have still a room for myself but that will be soon over. And I still can't believe that you are in the same house with 7 boys.

"Hey.." You looked up from your Mac book. "Oh hey, who are you?" I got from my bed. "I'm Yoongi." He said. "All the rooms are full, and Jim said you have a bed free." He said. "First it is Jin, don't worry I just remember names fast. And you can sleep over there. if you want. That closet is for you, and we have to shear that one bc some of my clothes won't fit in that small thing. oh and pleas I like to have it clean in here so can you clean once in a while. Not that you have to clean everything but don't leaf clothes on the ground, like that." You said. yoongi was speechless. "Oh sorry did I talked to much?" I said. "Oh no its okey, I don't have that much. But can I have the desk for my work?" He asked. "Oh yeah! I always study on my bed or outside." You said. "Thank you."

You walked to the kitchen to get some food your mom made for you. "He you are y/n right?" A boy with orange hair asked. "Oh yeah! You are?" "Ah I'm Hoseok, can I have your number." You just looked at him. "Oh no not like that, I'm making the group chat." He said. "Sure why not." You said. He gave his phone and saw that he has a girl as background. after you were done you gave his phone back. "Who is that girl?" You asked. "Oh that is my girlfriend." He smiled. "Ah she is so cute." You said happy. "Thank you." He smiled and walked away

You got your food and walked to the table and there was a boy with a head phone on with music that you could hear. you sat down and looked at him. He looked up from his phone. "Oh hey I'm Namjoon! Nice too meet you!" He screamed. "Can you put your headphone of?" You asked. "What! Wait let me do my music out!" He screamed. "Thank you." You said after he putted his headphone of. "I'm Namjoon. Again." He smiled. "I'm y/n nice to meet you." You said. "How old are you?" He asked. "I'm 20 and you." "I'm 23." He said. "Omg, pleas forgive me that I didn't called you oppa!" You said. "Oh don't worry, just call me with my name, it will be ok." "Thank you." You said. "Ah its okey."

you looked at your phone again. "Why won't they just stop talking." Yoongi said. You bot sat on your own bed. You was reading a book and Yoongi was writing something. "I don't know. Its really annoying."

Hoseok. - do some of you have the phone number of taehyung

Jimin - Kim taehyung: 06-12343434

Hoseok - tnx

—Hoseok added kim taehyung—

Jungkook - guys I'm hungry lest go somewhere

Namjoon - that is so smart, I'm starving.

Jungkook - anyone got a idea

taehyung - hi guys!! And girl.

Taehyung - sushi

Taehyung - no wait chines

Taehyung - lest go to the Mac

Namjoon - the Mac is ok, school will pay if it is under 15. For one day

Hoseok - yeaaaaaaa lest go go go

You put your book away. "Yoongi your coming were are going to get some food." You said. "Ok I will be there in a minute." He said. You walked in the hall way and saw the 7th boy. "Oh you are y/n! Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Taehyung. But you can all me tae or Taehyung, some call me v I'm okey with that too." He said. "Nice to meet you taehyung." 


thanks for reading, let me know if you guys liked it. I will upload every week if possible. I hope you guys keep reading:)

xx jet

and tell me your ship in this story.

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