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 Kirstie's POV

 After the show, I went backstage to see Jeremy waiting for me. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss. "Hey," he said, smiling. "You were great."

 "Thanks." I said. I was feeling kind of tired, and my stomach still hurt really badly...

 "Hey, Kirst!" Scott called, walking over. "We're going to a bar after we meet some fans, you wanna come?"

 "No, I think I'm done with bars for a while." I said, chuckling. "Plus, I'm really tired."

 I left out the stomach ache, and the fact that I felt sick. I didn't want to worry them. Scott shrugged and went back to the gang. "Hey, can I get a ride?" I asked Jeremy. He smiled and nodded. We walked out to his car and I climbed into the passenger side.

 "Hey, are you feeling any better?" Jeremy asked as we drove back to the hotel.

"Worse..." I murmured.

He nodded and we continued in silence until we got to the hotel. We walked up to my room. "Well, I'll just go then." He said.

"Wait..." I said. "Could you stay? Just for a while?"

"Sure." He said with a smile. I smiled back and unlocked my hotel room. I crawled into bed and he started to walk towards a chair.

"Where are you going, silly?" I asked, patting the bed next to me. He looked somewhat surprised, but didn't object and climbed into bed next to me. I snuggled up to him, inhaling the way he smelled. It was nice,

He wrapped an arm around me and kissed me on top of my head. I reached up and kissed him on the lips. It escalated quickly, and before I knew it, he was hovering over me. I felt him tugging at my shirt, but I stopped him. "I don't think I can..." I whispered. He nodded in understanding and rolled off me. I was glad he hadn't tried to continue.

I snuggled up to him again. "Hey, Kirstie?" He asked.

"Yeah Jeremy?"

"I... I think I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, Jeremy."

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