The Day

18 2 0

Ethan Dolan:

I sit on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I see multiple girls and really to me none of them are really that pretty. I mean yeah there pretty but none of them for me. I want a real girl not one of those girls who goes around trying to hook up with any guy they can get there hands on. As I keep on scrolling I notice there is a recommended add from this girl Emily. She follows me so I followed her back. I see there is this girl called Bee, shes really pretty. Once I start to scroll through her picture I recognize her as the nerd Ive been watching a lot at school. In her pictures she has her hair down and it goes to her bottom. She's covered in freckles and has long eyelashes that are covered by the thick rimmed glasses that fall down her nose when she laughs. Her eyes are gorgeous brown and smile like her rosy lips do.

I realize that I'm staring at her picture and decide I need to go and get off my phone. I cant. I cant like a nerd. Theirs nothing against her but I don't want her to get a reputation. If she where to talk to me of course I would back but I will never make a first move on her. My alarm for school goes off and I provide to get ready for school. Bee never leaving my mind. I wonder if that's her real name?


My alarm goes off waking me and Em up. I groan knowing that I didn't get enough sleep and that I have to do my dare from Em today. I get up and head into my bathroom. When I look in the mirror I see my long hair is wavy and my eyes are bright. I decide that I'm going to leave my hair down today since  haven't worn it to school down since 3rd grade when it was shoulder length. I don't do it cause I always get comments and I don't really like people talking about me. I put on mascara and walk out trying to find what to wear. I go with my white High waisted jeans and my navy blue sweater. And my red converse, I put a white scrunchy around my wrist and put my glasses on, shoving my phone in my back pocket. Em left when she got up to go get ready. We don't talk in the mornings cause were both to tired. Grabbing my bag I head downstairs and grab a granola bar, I go to my car and start heading to the school.

Why and I so nervous? Ugh I cant believe I have to do this.

[Skip to class]

Em: You ready?

Me: No.

Em: Why not :D

Me: Its your fault I have to do this. Im going to embarrass myself infront of the whole school.

Em: What if he says yes XD

Me: He wont. He's popular remeber. He wont like a nerd like me. Plus I dont even like him!

Em: Yeah okay (0.0)

Me: What?

Em: He's all youve talked about for the past 3 weeks. And you yourself admit he's hot.

Me: Yeah ik but that doesnt mean he will like me. Or I like him.

Em: Well we will see

Me: Im going to the nurse to go home :D


Me: True, nm

Me: Gtg teacher is walking around

Em: See you after class ;D

Me: Yeah Yeah Yeah ik

After this class its lunch. Thats when I have to ask Ethan out. Im so not excited. And Em saying I like him? HA! Never.

But really. Do I like Ethan Dolan?

How do you like it? Its short and all but Im working on making it longer.

Just a dare, Right? e.dWhere stories live. Discover now