dead gay son!

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they found the bodies. a puddle of deep crimson lining the floor and spread out across the floor. two bodies on top of each other, embraced together. one of the operatives, a newly introduced member of the force, vomited outside of the door while they ID'd the body. two suicide notes were attatched, one leading into the other.

it's over now. you can't judge us anymore. there's no one to judge.

youngjae's parents cried in the hallway outside. they never thought that their child was gay, but even then they didn't care. they just wanted their child back. they wanted to see him breathe again.

jaebum's dad never even bothered to come to their funerals.

the funeral was silent. four bodies lined in front of the altar. everyone knew at this point that it wasn't just a string of suicide. but no one said anything. no one bothered examining the case anymore. in a town like this, they didn't want to look at this kind of sodomy. it was shameful. the police didn't even let the parents see any suicide notes of any kind, because they didnt want any ideas being spread.

youngjae's father stood in front of the coffin, crying over his boy. he cursed the world for taking his one hope that he had left. he hated the town he lived in for pushing these boys into a situation where suicide was an option for relief for them. so he turned to them, police, elders, parents and children alike.

"no matter what, i will never cease to love my son! i will always love my dead gay son!"

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