Part 6

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The storms that keep crushing their way remind Yuto and Ryosuke each time of how far they've come.
More and more people come to their aid and support their relationship, but can they keep going this way?

- Featuring a sweet surprise Ryosuke and Yuto prepare for their best friend, Chinen Yuri. <3

Notes: Special for Chinen's 24th birthday because I love him so much. <3

Happy birthday Chii-chan!

I'm so sorry for the laaaate update. Certain things happened... >.<
I actually had this written two weeks ago but decided to edit it a little specially for Chinen's birthday.
I hope you like it!
Please let me know your thoughts on it. I want to hear it. <3
Thank you!

"I love you so much it's killing me."


"The weather is nice today, isn't it, Yuto?" Ryosuke says from under his shade, tilting his head a little to glance over at Yuto.

The question is left unanswered. Yuto seems to be busy with his own thoughts. Ryosuke grabs his hand then, dragging him to a nearby bench. They're sitting side by side now, an awkward grin escapes from Yuto's face while Ryosuke flashes a bright smile at him.

"It's really nice..." Ryosuke leans his back on the bench and looks up to the sky.

"It is..." Yuto concurs, taking a deep breath and looks at his surroundings.

They're at Yoyogi park, just taking a relaxing evening walk. Work surprisingly finished early today so they can finally hang out together, even for a short time. The autumn breeze is waving on their faces. Leaves are falling, the sounds of birds chirping can be heard from every direction. There are many people of all ages at the park, just hanging around and playing with fallen leaves, creating memories by taking pictures and videos.

Yuto smiles as he looks at the scene. His heart is itching, wanting to do those memorable stuffs too but he is aware that he might attract unnecessary attention instead. He places his hand on Ryosuke's and signals him to look at the people around them.

"Do you want to take some pictures, Yama-chan?"

"Absolutely! Why not?" Ryosuke answers him by getting up to his feet and smiles broadly at him, taking off his glasses and mask.

They stride across the park in attempt to find a quieter spot to take pictures. Ryosuke is laughing and smiling endlessly while Yuto presses his shutter here and there, catching some of the best pictures he has taken this year of his main and favourite model: Ryosuke Yamada. His outfit today matches the season perfectly and blends in with the milieu around the park. Yuto praises him as he takes picture after picture, ranging from serious poses to random ones, some candid shots that show Ryosuke laughing and waving his hands to the camera. Each picture gives Yuto a peaceful feeling, admiring how beautiful Ryosuke no matter what pose he pulls.

"I can live my whole life just taking your pictures, for real."

Yuto's thought is disrupted when Ryosuke knocks him and looks over at the camera in his hand. Ryosuke blushes when he realises Yuto has been looking at a picture of him laughing on the ground surrounded by golden leaves. Yuto has been observing it for a while now with mesmerised expression plastered on his face. The soft smile never leaves his face, making Ryosuke trembles.

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