Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

You would think that waking up to complete silence in a big ass mansion was freaky. Over the past couple of years I had gotten used to it. The only sound was the shrill beeping of my alarm clock telling me to get up and get ready for school. Which made me long for summer.

My guardian, Bruce was never home. It was just Alfred, the staff, and I. I couldn't complain though. He always made sure that I was well taken care of. Alfred made sure that I stayed in line while Bruce was away. Unfortunately that meant making sure that I actually showed up to school and went to every damn class.

My life wasn't always this easy. I grew up in the shitty part of Gotham. Mother had never been home, too busy working at the strip joint to remember that she even had a daughter. Father was either drunk or gambling, sometimes both. When he was murdered, she just stopped coming home. I would've died had Batman not come to save me.

Batman dropped me off at an orphanage. Not even a week later I was adopted by Bruce Wayne. For the first two years I lived with him, he stayed home. He was there to comfort me after having nightmare after nightmare. Seeing as he was still in his late twenties, I couldn't see him as a father figure. Instead I viewed him as an older brother who had taken an oath to protect me.

“Miss Stephanie, you better be awake,” came the warning voice of Alfred.

I groaned. “I think school was cancelled today due to a recent riot in the streets.”

In Gotham, that was considered a legit excuse. There have been a few cases where school was canceled because of riots. Then a few more where the school had been threatened. Gotham wasn't a nice place to live. As the years go by, the crime rate gets worse. As the years go by, we see less of our masked crusader.

“Very funny. I expect you to be down for breakfast in ten minutes. If not then I will call Master Wayne.” he threatens.

That has me out of bed in an instant. I hated him to bother Bruce when he was on business. Whenever he got a call that concerned me, he usually ended his trips short. Meaning he would spend the rest of that time lecturing me on whatever I had done.

“I'm up, I'm up.”

There was a chuckle on the other side of the door. “Ten minutes.”

I wrapped the silk robe around my body. The smooth material caressing my skin. I looked at my reflection. I've had worse hair days and have certainly had better. The messy waves were clumped together. They were gonna be a bitch to try to untangle.

The smell of bacon filled the house. The aroma grew stronger as I came closer to the source. A smile grew on my face. Coffee was the next scent that arose. Greta knew exactly what I needed to kickstart the morning. She was busy working her way around the kitchen as I entered the room.

“Morning, Greta” I greet her, taking a seat at the bar.

“Good morning, Miss Stephanie.” she replies with a gentle smile. She sets the plate down in front of me. “Dig in, you need a good breakfast for today. Three tests in one day, I just hope this is enough.”

I stare down at the eggs, bacon, biscuits, and sausage. “It'll definitely be enough.”

“Good gracious, woman, you were supposed to feed the girl not serve her a heart attack!”

My eyes widened, a smile on my face. “What are you doing home so early?”

“Finished up with business.” he sets down his briefcase.

There he stood. His appearance was a bit ruffled. He was dressed in one of his many business suits, I hardly ever saw him without one. His hair was a bit tussled. Unlike their normal pristine state, his clothes were a bit wrinkled. He must have slept in them on the plane. Despite this ragged appearance he was still handsome as ever.

I ran into his outstretched arms, breathing in his scent. “Glad you're home, Bruce.”

He ruffled my hair. “Good to see you too, kiddo.”

As I ate my breakfast, Bruce told me about his time in China. He traveled all over the world, bringing home stories as well as gifts. On his last trip there he had bought me the silk robe I was currently wearing. He liked to spoil me as payment for him never being home.

“I love your stories,” I bat my eyelashes at him. “Do you think maybe we could just take the day off and listen to them?”

He chuckles. “Nice try. Three tests and you want to lay out? Not a chance.”

I sighed. “Worth a try.”

“If you hurry up, I will take you-” he is cut off by the sound of his phone going off. I knew what this meant. He was going to be gone once again. Sure enough he returns a few minutes later with the news that he wouldn't be able to take me into school, but promised that he would be home in time for dinner.

That was Bruce for you though. There one minute gone the next.

Gotham High School was easily compared to hell. The teachers all carried weapons, mandated due to past events in the school. We had a shitty system, unlike most schools where you would freeze to death, in this one you will sweat to death. Not to mention that crap they call food. Luckily my lunch is packed by Greta

“Well well if it isn't Wayne's whore.” says one of the school jocks, Ethan.

I roll my eyes. “We go over this every day, dumb ass. Bruce isn't my type. I'm more into macho men.”

“Then how about you give me a shot?” His eyebrows wiggle.

I know exactly what he wants from me. That's something that he will never get. One of these days he will get my shoe up his ass instead. Good luck getting it out when that does happen.

“I'm afraid I'm booked for the month. Maybe I can pencil you in between never and when hell freezes over. Does that sound good to you?”

“Fucking bitch,” he seethes.

“Miss Brown, Mr. Richards, I would prefer you to not speak during my class.” Our teacher, Ms. Davis, scolds us. “I would suggest that you two keep it down or else you will have to sit after school detention.”

I lean back in my seat. Not saying a word. Just then I feel someone kicking the back of my seat. My muscles lock up, fighting the urge to scream. He was doing this on purpose that little shit. It all stopped. I relaxed a little. Then I felt something coming through the hole in the desk chair. His foot started to rub my ass. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

“What the hell?” I turned, shouting at him.

“Miss Brown, detention!” came Ms. Davis' shrill voice.

 I groaned that made the second one this week and to think it was only Tuesday.


The gorgeous trailer on the side was made by pacifics. Isn't it perfect? I was so excited for it, let me tell you, pacifics did not disappoint. I hope you enjoy the trailer just as much as I did. 



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