Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Todoroki Route)

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(F/n) stood in front of Endeavor with a shocked look on her face.

"M-Me... The bearer of... The next heir?"

She did not expect that.

(F/n) had spoken to Shoto earlier in the day to inquire about the interest his father showed in her. With neither of them knowing the answer, (F/n) ventured to the Todoroki household to find out.

"But why? Why me, of all people?" (F/n) asked, feeling confused and overwhelmed.

Endeavor let out a laugh. "You have low self-esteem for someone of your caliber. Not surprising, considering your father," He shook his head.

"That's besides the point. You're a vital piece, whether you choose to admit it or not. But you have to hide everything, don't you?"

"Mister Todoroki," (F/n) warned, her voice going down. "I did not come here to be insulted. I want a real explanation,"

"Oh, so you're interested, hm?" Endeavor grinned, standing up from his desk. "Listen, young woman. You are capable and compatible with my Shoto. You'll be able to have a strong child and live on in legacy!"

(F/n) swallowed hard. He's serious about this. God, that's scary.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think-"

"Your father wanted this to work out, you know."

(F/n) froze. What? He did? "Is... that so?"

"Of course. Your father knows your capabilities too. So why not accept this offer?" Endeavor's words were almost threatening. "You have nothing to lose."

That's not true, I do have something to lose. Katsuki... I'm not sure if I can do this.

"And what do I have to gain?" She asked, her words coming out slowly.

"A strong child. A legacy. A compatible partner- and you agreeing to your father's wishes," Endeavor said, raising his arms. "Surely you'll accept?"

This is too much. If I accept, I lose Katsuki. If I deny, my father will have never fulfilled his last wish- and the whole point of our legacy.

"...I... Accept."

Endeavor let out another laugh before coming around the desk. "Excellent! I knew you would make the right choice!" He clapped (F/n) on the shoulder, making her flinch. "I shall tell the others right away. You are part of this family now!"

(F/n) forced a smile.

What have I done?


Sitting in the living room among the Todoroki's, (F/n) took out her phone and opened it.

Katsuki: where are u

Katsuki: i'm going to ur apartment

Katsuki: (f/n) where the fuck did you go with half-n-half

(F/n) gazed at the messages for awhile before going to respond.

"Don't," A soft voice behind her said.

(F/n) jumped and turned around. "Todoroki..."

Shoto moved around to sit next to her, not too close, not too far. "I don't want to cause trouble for everyone," He said, looking (F/n) straight in the eyes. "You know he'll come here if you tell him what happened."

"But I have to tell him, Todoroki!" (F/n) exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. "What should I do? I can't just leave him with no excuse!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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