The Quest to Find a Companion

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Its been a couple weeks since the team had fought Gage, and Kyle was still a little shaken up by it.

Everyone had decided that splitting off from their homes and going to their own base would be the best bet, so everyone could be together in case of an emergency.

Its the first day of them living in their new base, they had just finished unpacking and now they were all lounging around, speaking little words.

Suddenly, Sans, who was sitting upside-down on the sofa said;
"We should get an animal."

Everyone froze, contemplating what he had just said.

"That... That's not a bad idea."
Lily spoke up, smiling a little.
"Yeah, getting an animal could spice up out lives a bit."
Trenton chimed in.
"Like out lives aren't already 'spiced up'?"
Rev replied
"Shut it, Rev."
"Make me."
"Oh you asked for-"

Just then, Kyle froze Trenton and Rev's hands and feet in place.
"Really? Stop fighting. Sans, that sounds like a good idea. Ill get Jack, he said he was gonna take a nap."
Sans nodded, rolling off the couch.
"Mkay, everyone lets go outside, its beautiful and it won't hurt us to get some fresh air."
Everyone nodded and followed Sans outside.

Kyle headed off to the other area of the base, going to the door that was still damp with paint. It had fire designs painted on recently.
"Jack? You awake?"
"Yeah! Come in!"
Kyle slowly opened the door, walking in. Jack looked back at him, smiling at him with a big goofy smile. Paint was splattered all over him

"Hi! What's up?"
"Uh... What are you doing?"
"Painting! This room was just boring white so I decided to paint some designs on the walls 'n stuff."
Kyle looked around, there was a lot of different designs covering the walls. From different TV shows, movies, books, and things from his own imagination.

"This is... A-amazing! You've been doing this the whole time?"
"Yep! Well, you came up here for something what's up?"
"Oh, well, were gonna go out for a while as a group. I came to get you.
"Were are we going?"
"Animal shops, gonna go find an animal."

Jacks eyes lit up.
"Oh my gosh! Really?! Lemme get dressed-!"
He ran to him dresser and started changing, he was to excited to tell Kyle to leave the room.
Kyle flushed dark red and he quickly covered his eyes. Suddenly, a shirt hit Kyle in the side of the head.
"Oh- sorry! But I'm ready!"
Kyle uncovered his eyes and looked at him, he was dressed in a Slytherin shirt and black skinny jeans.
"O-okay, lets head out."

The whole group was walking down the sidewalk, they had decided to walk since it was so nice out.
They were all discussing what they wanted as they walked in. The clerk behind the counter greeted them, and a few of the others greeted back, the rest scattered through the shop.

After a bit, everyone pointed out what animal they wanted.

They were all different.

"Why a dog?! Why not a cool snake?!"
Sans said, pointing to a baby Ball Python.
"What about a kitten?!"
Kyle pointed to a small Ragdoll kitten.
"What about a bunny??"
Lilac pointed to a brown, black, and white rabbit.
"You know what... This isn't gonna work. Lets go to somewhere else."
Jack said.
"Agreed." Sans said, and turned around to the forest. "Screw you guys, I'm getting a raccoon." He left the rest of the team confused and dumbfounded.
"O... Kay? Let's just... Go." Kyle said.
Everyone agreed and headed out of the store.

"Where the next shop?"
Lily asked.
"Uh... According to Google its a few blocks, but its still a lot of walking. Were gonna die by the time we get there. Trenton, can you open a portal?"
Rev asked, looking at Trenton.
"Ask nicely first."
"Ohmygod- Trenton just do it."
"Ask nicely!"
Rev growled, losing his temper and within a second had Trenton under his mind control.
He had him open a portal and they all stepped through, had him close it and freed him.

Trenton was dazed as he followed the others inside, they all split off again.
After a little while, Rev had called everyone over to look at a certain small reptile.

It was a small, red, white, and black lizard that looked almost like a tiny dragon.
"I love it!"
"We all do!"
"Can we get it?"
"Uhm... Is this what everyone decides on?"
Kyle asked, and everyone quickly nodded.
So, with that, they went up to the counter and told the worker.

After a bit, they got everything they needed for the small reptile and headed back home.

"Where should we put him?"
Lily asked, looking around.
"The corner over there seems good."
Lilli replied, pointing to the corner in the room.
Everyone agreed and they set it up, and once they were done they set the reptile inside.

As everyone watched him bask under his light, someone spoke up.

"Where's Sans?"

And right on cue, there he was. Playing not with a raccoon, but an entire wolf pack. He was running with the wolves while everyone stared, amazed and confused. They decided to leave it there, and leave him be.

Jack spoke after some minutes of confused staring.

"What should we name him? Our lizard, that is?"

~to be continued~

Hey you! Yes you! Do you have a suggestion for the lizards name? Comment it below and we can all vote for the one we like the most!
- Prophecy Member Kyle

[DISCONTINUED] The Prophecy of the Sevenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن