Movie night mystery guy

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Tonight was the weekly night of the cul-de-sac movie get together. I was super excited for it, only because it was a horror movie this time! And plus you can dress in your pj's if you want.
I dressed up in my basketball shorts and wore a hoodie, before I left, I made Amanda's dinner and kissed her forehead goodbye.
I took a deep breath outside and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. All the cul-de-sac home lights were off, except for Joesph's, he's the one hosting the event as usual. I knocked on the door only to be greeted by Joesph's smokin body in tight white shirt and black sport shorts.
"(Y/N)! You've made it right on time! Everybody's here, come on in!" He smiled and went out of the way for me to step in. I looked down and saw everybody's house slippers set aside, and a pair of beige boots, timberlands I think. Joesph lead me down the dark hallway into the living room, even in the dark I could see his tight ass. 'Man....'
I walked in and saw everybody laying around on the floor or sitting smooshed on the couches. The light coming from the screen barely allowed me to analyze the room. The snacks on the table looked half eaten already, even before the movie started, and people had blankets and pillows. 'This really feels like a family kinda vibe. Haha'
I took a seat on the carpet next to my old friend Craig, and did the little handshake we used to do back in college. "Yo yo waddup broooo!" Craig's lowered voice made me chuckle. "Just about to get really turnt for this movie boyyyy!"
We both laughed to ourselves and patted each other on the back. The movie we chose was called "It follows".
Before the screen went black, I noticed Robert glancing over at me. I looked towards his direction with a curious face and he casually looked down at his drink. The movie started and everybody was tense, I could sense it. We watched a panicked girl for a good 5 minutes until she mysteriously died...
"Aw what the hell" Mary's annoyed / disgusted tone made me want to laugh, everybody else was whispering to one another smiling out of fear. I gulped hard, feeling a bit anxious for some reason. I don't understand, I always watch scary movies, but why am I feeling really nervous.
Later when it got more freaky, Craig left me for dead. He was talking to Hugo about the illogical sense in this movie leaving me out of it. "Hey I'm gonna go sit on the couch, I'll talk to you later" I whispered. "Sure bro!" He gave a thumbs up and continued to whisper to Hugo. I went over to the fairly spacious seat next to Brian, and sat right on down. He gave a grizzly smile and patted my shoulder.
Robert who was only across from us, was watching us. I could tell by the corner of my eye he was looking, I didn't understand why he was just looking at us, or more specifically me. We never really talked, I was too shy to get to know him or even hang with him!! But ever since I moved here a couple months ago, everybody started to tell me how Robert just started to become more distant..? I feel kinda bad if I'm the reason why he doesn't want to talk anymore. Maybe that should change.

During the 'boring' part of the movie, everybody all agreed to pause it for a while to discuss and debate the movie so far, so we turned on the lights and began. Of course, Hugo, who was brilliant on his own, started with the illogical sense he previously talked about with Craig to the group. I saw a couple people frown and others nod their head slowly. I personally really didn't care for the whole debate thing, it really wasn't my style. So I yawned and stretched in the air, and carefully walked over to Joesph making sure I didn't step on anybody. Robert looked up at me, who was sitting on the hand rest of the couch, and noticed me walk up to his area. "Hey Joesph, may I use your bathroom?"
"Well of course! It's right down the hallway, on the left."
I turned towards Robert and he had a casual look on his face, kind of a 'I don't care' look, and passed him since he was right next to the hallway.
As he looked down at my bubble butt, he saw the outline of my underwear through my semi-tight shorts.
"*grunts* Ima get another drink."
"Alright, have a safe trip to the kitchen! *chuckles*" He got up and headed towards the kitchen and noticed I was lost.... He passed by me and grabbed another beer off the counter. He opened it and watched me struggle to find which door was the bathroom... I didn't want to turn around, so my back faced him out of sheer embarrassment.
Robert finished his drink, and opened another one, he walked down the hallway passing me again and opened a door leading to the bathroom, I didn't look towards him so he snapped his fingers twice and pointed to it all the while taking a sip of his beer. I walked up to him and the bathroom and he looked down on me with the same ol' casual look, kinda cute, I dipped my head down a bit and thanked him. He gave a firm nod and still stood there as I closed the door....
I dried my hands on the towel and headed back to my seat. "Good, (Y/N) is back, time to resume the movie!"
I sat back with Brian and adjusted to the darkness. I felt his soft hair on his legs tickle my leg, all the while slightly touching legs. He didn't move or anything, so I felt we had a little bond going on here. Before I could cherish this moment a little longer, a pop up appeared and surprised only me.
I gasped quiet loudly and clung onto Brian's arm and dug my face into his stone hard chest, everybody giggled, all the while Robert had somewhat of a shocked facial expression, but it wasn't for long until it became a trifling irritated expression.  "Haha! You good there buddy?" Brian's booming grizzly voice made me feel small. I noticed my cheek were still planted on his furry chest and my arms squeezed his rock hard biceps.
"It's all good (Y/N), just a little movie"
He rubbed my back for awhile and it comforted me. My ears and face were so hot. It was pretty embarrassing. "Oh.. Haha thanks Bri."


Everybody started to leave one by one, Craig, Hugo, Damien, and I stayed back for awhile helping out to clean the place, Robert was there too, but watching us clean, not really doing anything. But it wasn't before long until we finished, we said our goodbyes to one another and left. I walked a few feet behind Robert, since he was my next door neighbor and all, he paused and watched me open my door. I looked towards his direction and waved, not trying to make it awkward. He nodded his head and walked in his home.
'Oh geez..'

Sorry for errors.

Hope you like this story so far!
Idea suggested by ACombs19

Pineapple Pizza // Robert Small x (Male) Reader // Dream Daddy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now