There is a girl

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Made by me inspired by the song Dark Enough

There is a girl

There is a girl, happy and funny, smart and determined always making others smile when they were down

She'll make them smile and laugh, nobody saw how sad she truly was, but woah how things change

There is a girl who's smile has faded to a distant memory, she would turn away when people tried to help her saying 'there's nothing to fix'

Everybody didn't see they sadness in her eyes, they started to bully her and her friends started disappearing, ohh how things change

There is a girl who's sleeves have grown longer, eyes dull with pain and tears, hiding the cuts on her wrists woah how things change

Nobody saw the changes in her, they only bullied more and more people left her, leaving her wrists stained with scars

There was a girl who just taken her last breath, the weight on her shoulders had because too much for her, laying on her bed with a note on her chest

Her friends stare at the chair that was once their friend's, too shocked to cry they just sit and stare

She was laying on the bed looking like a goddess, being perfect but her wrists were stained with blood

Her parents staring down at her in shock and pain as the tears flown from there eyes, and her little brother watching them break down but doesn't know why

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