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Scarlett groaned as she shifted uncomfortably in her spot. Once she realized that she was not laying in her bed her eyes drifts open and her vision focuses on the floor that she is laying on. Scarlett slowly pushes herself up into a sitting position, her back muscles aching from laying on the hard, uncomfortable floor in her apartment. She takes a minute to gain her bearings, hand coming up to rub at her tired eyes. The brunet women slowly pushes herself to her feet and pats herself down.

"Where did I put my phone?" Scarlett mumbles to herself, making her way into the living room. Her blue eyes drift over the room, spotting the needed item. Scarlett walks over to the coffee table where it was located and picks it up, clicking it on to make the screen light up.

"7:30. Awesome." Scarlett mumbles sarcastically taking the phone with her to her bedroom and hooking it up to its charger. Scarlett walked over to her window and looked out the open curtain to the city. She could already see people moving about their days, the sun coming overhead. Scarlett use to always people watch, no matter where she was. She would guess where people were going or what their lives were like. What kind of job did they have? Did they have a family? She always hoped the best for people even when her own life wasn't always the best.

Scarlett thought that maybe, just maybe if she wished someone else the best that may be good things would come her way but lately her life has been a bit of a shit show. Her life has always been kind of crazy.

Her brother became blind in a freak accident, her father was murdered, she use to be a vigilante, dated a guy that can control peoples minds, got pregnant with said mind controlling man's child, ran away and hid from him, blind brother is now a lawyer by day and Devil of Hells Kitchen by night and she is in love with a dead man that killed a lot of people.

Yeah, Scarlett Murdock's life is a shit show but as she watches people pass by on the street, on their way to who knows where she wouldn't want her life to be any different.

Scarlett lets out a sigh and backs away from her window and closes her curtains. Scarlett gathers some clothes and heads to the bathroom. She places the clothes on the counter and starts up the shower before stripping off all her clothes before stepping under the steaming water.

She stood there a while, just letting the water run from the top of her head and then trickle down the rest her body, her mind wandering off.

Scarlett thinks about her dad. What would he say to her today? When Scarlett was younger she hated when her dad would sit her down and give her advice but right now in this time in her life she wished she could have that again. She wished that her dad was here to tell her what to do, to help her with the things she wasn't sure about. Scarlett's father would always give the best advice, whether she wanted to admit it or not when she was younger.

Scarlett though about what would have happened if she stayed with Kilgarve. Would he have ever turned into who he is now? Would all those women have been hurt if she stayed? Would she have ever met Jessica? Scarlett used to think she was in love with Kilgrave but she was young and wasn't really sure what love truly meant yet. She always fantasied about being in love but she never knew what it was like because she has never seen it. This brings her wandering mind to Frank Castle.

There was a difference when she compared her feelings for Kilgrave and Frank. With Kilgrave, it was almost as if nothing could go wrong, that everything would always be magical and perfect. Like a fairytale. Kilgrave hurt her because he was untrustworthy and went behind her back.

But with Frank, she knew things could go horribly wrong, knew that he could be trouble but she was willing to dive head first. Frank hurt her too, but that was way beneath the surface. He hurt her in a way that no one else could. Frank hurt her by not caring about himself as much as she cared about him.

Devil's Backbone // Frank CastleWhere stories live. Discover now