Untitled Part 1

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CHAPTER ONE OF OUR GROUPCHAT FANFIC MR KRABS FEELS IT, OODLING NOODLES AND PROBING LOBES IN THE BONE ZONE MMYES. HE INTENSELY SNIFFS. "ITS A GOOD THING IM A SOCK NOT A WOMAN YES DARLING," "I'LL BE YOUR LUNCHBOX," he moans. "Welcome back to me reading seductively spocy boi... The gays ate building a walllll" "you can take down my wall Mr.Krabs" Moaned memeaton 2.666, "Do you smell the air odor? It reminds me of when we met around those eejits..." he said between heavy breaths, "good thing rio is in portuguesia...." he said, seductively. "you're so good at this, I'm Quailed...." "thats what happens when you suck my fat fingers" he whispered... "I hope vice president Michelle Obama doesn't see us being this.....dirty." said mr krabs. "don't worry, i made sure Ted Cruz would keep this our little secret... darling" said meme-aton 2.666... "OHHHH MEME-ATON 2.666! PICK IT UP," screamed Mr.Krabs. "Make sure if you suck my toes, it's nice and moist" "IM GOING TO GIVE YOU ALL THE PORK AND CHEESE SPOCY" he groaned. "What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is this SPICY POOP" "OHHHHH ITS THE OL RAZZLE DAZZLE!" "Deku wants the sexy pomegranates" "WELL THEN OPEN BOB AND SHOW VAGENE" "NO BONE STOPPERS NOW BABY!" "who needs an icepack, with Legs like THESE" "OH BABY DRINK ALL YOUR MILKIE! ITS KINDA SPICY!" "ILL BE YOUR PUPPET MASTER DAHHHLING" "LIVVY MANGO MANGO" "I GOT YOUR AUXILIARY NIPPLE LOVE" "Oh baby. I'm getting lost in the vagene sauce!"

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